Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blogs I read

It has taken me far too long to put up a list of the blogs I read. I am sure I have left somebody off. Being as technologically challenged as I am, you guys should be grateful for small mercies! But, if I have left somebody off, please don't be offended. Now that I know how to do this, I will add you soon.

If you take the time to have a look at the list, you will see that it is a rather eclectic list of blogs. Each one provides me with inspiration and thought provoking material, and if there is a blog that is new to you, I hope that you will take the time to have a read there. I've included Deity on the list, even though he is taking a "break", because what's there is so yummy, and because, I reckon he'll be back.

I love new ideas and new ways of thinking about domination and submission, and life and love. There is always something to learn and all these bloggers are to be commended for their rich thoughts. I count a few of them as my friends in the sky, and I commend their blogs to you.


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2009

    I am honoured to be included and first no less.


  2. Well thank you for the link. I consider myself lucky to be listed among those blogs.

  3. Sir J: You are first on the list, of course! ...giggles..

    Aurore: You are always a good read!
