Saturday, June 2, 2012


I have always had the desire with this web journal to be entirely honest. If I want to write fiction I can write myself a story. Here, what I write is what I feel, experience and live. This code of mine is not always a popular choice, I suspect, because when things aren't in 'tip top' shape in my life that may not make for great reading for the people that choose to read here. However, this is not a popularity contest and the reason why I write here is most often to express myself in a way that I can't do anywhere else.

Yet, I feel a need to apologize on occasion for the content of the journal. I'm aware it has a readership and that my woes aren't really what you come here to read. On the other hand, Rollymo made the comment not so long ago that he feels that the attraction for him was that I suffer, somewhat. Anyways, you can't please them all all the time, as they say, and I don't even pretend to try.

It has reached a point where I feel obliged to apologize somewhat for the change of direction in the writing. I extended the subject matter some time ago to include not just D/s and power exchange matters but also living well and with peace and calm. I did that because it evolved that the full power exchange arrangement I was attempting to live went that way.

It was and is, in my mind, very much about satisfying and deeply connecting sex. However, through the course of my online mentoring, issues related to finding peace and living calmly and with purpose came up as part and parcel of living more like a 'doll'. I embraced those notions and extended them to include practices that I find very comforting and sustaining on a daily basis.

Pilates, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, breathing through anxiety, finding my own peace, being still and silent are all practices and remedies I use routinely to help me function well. I still take a good deal of care about my appearance and I still very much prefer to wear a dress or a skirt. I still tend to my acrylic nails every two weeks. I try hard to mind my words and my manners. All of this is in place and fulfills and comforts me.

Life with my husband is, regrettably, at this juncture, not all that I would wish it to be. I've not shied away from writing that I asked him to spank me and later, to enter into a full D/s relationship. It wasn't his idea and he would never have brought this to the table.

Sure, he has always wanted to do things his way. He's quite conservative and even old-fashioned, born in an era when women did the inside work and men did the outside work; when men looked after the finances and women looked after the children. More than that, he has some personality characteristics that make it important for him to have things done in his own inimitable style and according to his own personally defined sense of things being done properly and perfectly.

However, dominating a woman physically wasn't something that he sought, desired or thought proper. This was my desire, my need, my desperate life time longing.

My husband needs to live his life in a way that works for him. He works for himself because that suits him best. He works both day and night because he has a strong tendency to define his life through his work. He is nocturnal. This means that although he put in a full day's work he also works through the night. Lately, this has intensified. He's working in overseas markets and he needs to be up at odd times.

Also, he has not been really well for quite some time and this ill health has intensified lately. His body has been in pain and wondering if it might be the lack of sleep that is making matters so much worse, I have quietly got up each morning and left him to sleep as long as he can. This means that we rarely are awake in the bed at the same time.

It is a woman's job to comfort her sick man. I know this intellectually and my heart tells me this is the right thing to do. However, a woman is intuitively restless when her man is unwell. Her 'provider' and 'protector' is not functioning and this makes her unsettled. This is a primal instinct. There isn't a great deal we can do about it. We can make the soup and say comforting things but inside we just aren't at all happy.

For me, it's one thing to not have those heady moments of feeling I have submitted to all sorts of dastardly deeds, it's quite another to not have intimacy, sex, in my life. Sex once a week has seemed lean to me. Sex once a month feels like a mini-death and I can't really get my head around celibacy at all. I'm just not cut out for this sort of life.

I'm not suggesting that I am in the position of some permanent demise. I anticipate there is a remedy to this ill-health, although I am not at all sure from where or when it will come. I'm surprised and saddened at the minimal efforts that have been made to provide some sustenance for me in any form. He could tie my wrists, or put a gag in my mouth at night; he could do little things requiring little effort or strain. Yet, he rarely has done so. He's almost completely withdrawn to his life of work. He's clearly in a lot of physical pain and emotional turmoil.

I asked him recently if he ever read my journal and he said that he wasn't aware that I was still writing here. That said it all, in my mind. His mind is so clearly filled with worry and distress and his body so full of pain that he hasn't got the ability to address our relationship at this time. Oh, we still have a cuddle on the couch. He still sometimes rubs my back in the wee hours of the night when he comes to bed. He had me wear an anal plug when we went to the Market a few days ago which was lovely. We are still the best of friends. We still talk and interact. We both hang in there. But, it isn't the same. It is a fraction of the relationship it was a few years ago.

I read about his condition. I have tried to get him to take a lack of sleep seriously. I have identified that he may be responding to tea and in the past few days he has had a lot less pain. I think we may be onto something here.

I am trying to stay positive. I get on my with life. I still have a household of people to care for. There's still a lot of cooking and caring going on. I meditate. I assure myself  that I have strength in reserve; that I have the tools I need to get through this period of my life. I do my academic study. I am mindful of dark thoughts and I know to challenge them and to move on. But, I am lonely. This is not something I can share with anyone but with myself (and you) in this journal.

I haven't much to report in the way of wonderful D/s experiences right now. There really isn't much reason to come here at all and I apologize about that. There have been much better days but this too shall pass.


  1. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

    From Susan

    Please don't feel you need to apologize to us, your readers. You write beautifully and the blog, first and foremost, in my opinion, should be for you to express, process and vent when needed. Take care.


  2. I think your blog has a wonderful balance. The spiritual aspects you blend in to submission has always been something I quite identify with, and rarely read elsewhere. There are also your stories, cindi's moments, and just the way you share your day to day love and passion for your family. So plenty to read about here, and nothing you should apologize for.

    I hope your Husband gets to feeling better, or at least finds ways to take care of himself enough to help manage his condition.


  3. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

    I think that what you are describing is perfectly normal in ANY relationship. Someone told me when I first got married that life was like a roller-coaster with ups and downs, peaks and plateaus. At the time my 24 years thought that person was insane...Isn't it all just crazy fun sex? However now I get it! It took a while but I see what they meant.

    Please I agree with Susan, don't apologize to us. I read your blog because when I started exploring D/s relationships your blog posted the highs and lows for each partner. You don't just post about how wonderful your husband is... you post about the bumps in your road which not everyone does. I at least, love that.

  4. Oh vesta,

    It's so very hard, isn't it? Maybe in the nature of a power exchange, we feel these emotions with such great strength? Please don't ever apologize for your content or lack thereof.

    Really hope your husband is feeling better soon. It seems to be the nature of some (Omega is similar) men to throw themselves into what they can understand, rather than focusing on what they don't.

    Big hugs,

  5. No need for apologies, Vesta--I enjoy all your posts, whether they are D/s-focused or not. Hope life gets better for both you and your husband!

  6. AnonymousJune 03, 2012


    Please don't think your blog only helps you - it is a source of comfort, inspiration and wisdom to many. It is fascinating and enlightening to read no matter what clouds may be passing through your life and onto the page.

    I love the way you write and the thoughts you share. Your insight, your dignity and your intelligence are constant and irridescant. Your subject matter continues to resonate with me, for sure.

    The attraction for me in reading this blog is that you reflect upon both your successes and your struggles. It shows your humanity and draws us closer to you emotionally. Please continue to share any thoughts with us as freely as you wish, because your friends really do want to listen and to offer support. You have a wealth of good will here among your readership, many of whom perhaps struggle to find the words to put into comments, yet feel a connection with you nonetheless.

    I hope your dear hubby finds a way to climb out of the darkness he finds himself in and to bring fire back into your D/s activites. Every relationship ebbs and flows and the only constant is change. This dark time will pass.

    My very best wishes to you both,


  7. Susan: That's a very nice thing to say and my thanks to you.

    Serenity: I do like the idea of the blog being "balanced" and I am grateful you appreciate the spirituality side of things. It is an important part of my life now.

    We'll get to the bottom of my husband's condition. He has quirky sorts of body responses and we've identified a few rather remarkable conditions along the way and taken the necessary steps. It's not the entire solution but I have stopped serving him tea and it seems to be yielding some results. Peppermint tea was like poison to his body and we eliminated that but it seems all tea gives his body pain now.

    mouse: That's it. All the emotions are felt with such intensity when you get this 'connected' and dependent.

    I think there is definitely a breed of men that tends towards hypofocus, usually about their work/career. I see it in my oldest son too so I can't say it is an old man's thing. It is this *drive* to succeed and to steer the ship and all that. I admire that on one level but I am not going to deny I need a minimum level of attention. I change as much as I can to suit the other person but I can't change the fact that I *need* attention. I think he just has to accept that if he wants smooth waters and good sailing.

    Jake: Thanks, my dear. And, I enjoy all of your posts, too. I love that you are a planner and that you alphabetize your bookcase. Any time you are bored and want a trip down under, you are welcome to organize mine. You're not interested in organizing wardrobes, are you?

    rollymo: That really is a lovely thing to say and I very much appreciate it. I think my reading and my writing in academia is encouraging me more and more to write about real life. So, even when I write about power exchange, and I do, I write about whole people; what goes right and what goes wrong; what is noble about the person and what is not at all noble.

    We'll be fine. What is 'real' about me and I repeat over and over is that I try to hang on; to deal with distress on my own. Then, I get very upset and things get sorted out. What he does over and over is to think that I can live without his attention; that I am okay just because I look okay and sound okay. (Goodness, but I should have gone into acting, I think. My young son's talent must have come from somewhere...) But, we get it together.

    Thank you.

  8. nationalkat: Sorry, I missed commenting to you in my group comment. Yes, I agree, it is life to have bumps in the road. In marriage, there are two individual people trying to work out how to live as one. It's not especially easy all the time. Some periods of time are a lot smoother than others. It's all ebb and flow and part of the deal of life. I've a male friend who talks about the "positive friction" between a husband and wife that should never really go away and some of the best marriages have that frisson that is perfectly healthy.

    Each to his own, but I'd find it rather a waste of time to sit at this keyboard and write about just the good times. I do come here sometimes to express my sense of happiness and sometimes I come here to express my frustration. I'm glad you appreciate that.
