Thursday, July 9, 2009


Some readers may not be surprised to learn that I did my fair share of liberal arts subjects at university. I have read many, many novels and I have considered the significance of much of the world's history. As well, I have spent considerable time pontificating on matters of philosophy. It is no co-incidence that when I embrace someone as a new friend, they are not only opinionated, but their opinions carry weight. If they are to be dominant to a girl, for example, their interest in that extends well beyond the 'scene'. They want to play an important part in the life of the girl. Her well being, her happiness is in their hands, in no small measure, and they take that responsibility very, very seriously.

One of the books I bought when I was up north recently is titled 'Meditation for Busy People' and I have begun to read this very interesting book. As a girl who has used such phrases as "I'm still not the perfect submissive" and "I'm never going to be the perfect submissive", I was fascinated to read the following:

"Life is eternal, hence I say life is eternally imperfect. There is nothing wrong in being imperfect. Accept your imperfections and then the idea of being negative towards yourself will disappear."

A few pages on...

"My approach is not that of perfection but that of totality. Live the moment that is available to you totally and the next moment will be born out of it."

Instinctively, the effective dom 'knows' this in his bones. He does not seek perfection for his girl in any sort of 'model perfect' sort of way, but rather accepts that perfection of a person, as opposed to a skill, is an unattainable goal. Instead of putting his focus on a future where his girl will be "perfect", he deals with today and what is achievable today. He deal with the person, with all her assets and her flaws.

At the end of the day, we are all just human. We can aspire to be perfect. Michael Jackson aspired to be perfect at his craft; that of the performer. And, he was perhaps the best entertainer the world has ever known. Yet, in death we saw that he was really just one of us; a person with imperfections and needs, as the rest of us. He was judged and ridiculed, as some of us might be if we were to 'come out' to the world. Perhaps, we begin to see his need for privacy, for as a people we are quick to judge what we do not fully understand. We are all imperfect for there is no 'perfect' person; only perfect skills.

The wise dom knows this and keeps the thought in the back of his mind at all times. She will do her best for you for her best is all that she has to offer and all that the dom can demand.

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