Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Light up the room

What motivates us to do something? My answer to that question would be pleasure. There are other factors to consider like duty, obligation, responsibility, desire for success; ambition. However, it is pleasure that drives us at the most basic level. I sometimes forget this. I think we can all forget how incredibly important it is to enjoy our lives.

Last night I found it hard to get off the couch and fulfill my final duties for the day. I was enjoying a rather long documentary about George Harrison, one of the Beatles. What an extraordinary life and what an extraordinary mindset! Of course I related to his spiritual journey and this rather intense desire he had to prepare for his spirit to leave his body. I have just the same fixation so I got what that was all about. He had a strong understanding that he would die, a constant understanding of it, and so he lived according to that knowledge. I've often said (in real life, I mean) that when people act so grabby and grubby, they're the people that haven't come to terms with the fact that they are going to die. Why waste the time being so nasty? Why not be friendly and enjoy your time here?

I've been thinking in the past few days what I have enjoyed most about a power exchange relationship. Of course, it is very heady stuff and there are so many factors there to consider. I love feeling that I am deeply connected to someone; so connected that I don't mind at all when they call the shots and tell me what to do. I love to be forced to do things actually. I think that's because I feel even more connected to them. I love how that makes me feel.

I enjoy being under the wing of someone. It makes me feel safe. I love to feel a part of a team, and I am comfortable not being in charge. I don't like the feeling that I have if  I get bossy or intolerant. I feel better about influencing someone in a soft and gentle way; a way that makes them feel good about my contribution to the situation. I like to feel soft within my soul, heart and mind.

And, this is what all this is driving to. The more I think about, learn about and experience a D/s exchange the more I realize that I want it to be a soft and kind exchange, even during those times I am being told to or made to do the other person's bidding. I don't want to be hurt by it. I want to be enriched by it, to enjoy it; to experience kindness and connection. I guess you could say, I would like to feel...cherished.

I'm not saying that I don't crave a harsher treatment sometimes because I really do crave that too. However, after the harsher treatment I want to go back to being cared for in a softer way. It's a funny thing, this mellow feeling that has come over me lately. Perhaps the product of a little tender care; perhaps a sense that I am moving forward into the light. It is said that when George Harrison died his spirit did indeed leave his body and he "lit up the room". His wife said that if someone had been filming the scene they would  not have needed lights. "He...he just lit up the room." Now, wouldn't that be a lovely ending to our stories.

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