Sunday, June 28, 2009

Submission unknown

There is a common theme to the trajectory of the dominant male. He grows into his dominance. In spite of the fact that the Internet is loaded down with college girls talking of their emerging submission, the simple fact is that the youthful male is rarely ready to assume the responsibility of a girl who has leanings towards a desire for submission, but no real understanding of that deep, inner desire.

So, what is to become of the coupling between a girl in her early twenties with a man, mature and wise for his years, yet still not mature in terms of years on this earth?

One of the difficulties of such a match is that a girl may not know what it is she needs and yearns for. She knows what she knows. She knows that her father was not available to her growing up, and even now, in a way that is critical for her. She knows that she chose a boy with a strong mind and will. She knows, and can even verbalize to the boy who has grown into a man that she needs a strong mam, chose a strong boy, even back then; that she would walk over and spit on a man who was weak.

Her behaviour, although kept in check by the man's persistence, attention and steady resolve, has erred in the extreme. She has shamed herself. Even her own family cannot dismiss her aberrant and completely unacceptable behaviour. They tell the man that they would understand if he walked away.

He is not the kind of man to walk away. He bears a gentle soul, a loving disposition and a sense of responsibility to the girl. She is a wild girl but he loves her and she loves him. But, something in her life is not in place. He is at a loss.

The mother of the boy looks on; conflicted. She knows what the girl needs, as sure as she knows that the sun will rise shortly. She knows that the girl needs more than the man's quiet control now. It is not enough.

The girl needs to know that the man will do whatever is necessary. The girl needs to know that she will be called on her unacceptable behaviour. She needs to know that she will be corrected. And, forgiven.

Somehow, the mother has to convince the man that it is all right for him to be not only strong for her, but to be her disciplinarian.

She wants that from him. She needs that from him. Until she is corrected, she cannot heal; or grow. Until she feels a sense of containment, her life is out of control, and she is out of control. To be happy, she needs him to assert himself in no uncertain way.

The girl is asking for what society tells her she cannot have. She is meant to take responsibility for herself by now and yet she cannot demonstrate her ability to be responsible until she experiences what it is to be reined it. He has chosen one of those girls and she has chosen one of those men. Yet, neither of them know why.

The mother knows why. Yet, life has its own pace. We learn when we are ready to learn. She knows that and she is loathe to interfere in what is not hers to decide. There is, after all, an easier path for the man with another girl, perhaps. She looks on. Worries. Hopes. It is her beloved son and she wants him to be happy; now and always. He deserves much love. She looks forward with eager anticipation to the opportunity to talk with him. For now, she thinks, all she can do is listen.


  1. AnonymousJune 28, 2009

    I loved this post. You touch on two important truths, punishment gives a woman a feeling certainty in her life and the forgiveness that follows punishment cleanses the marriage.

    A bratting woman is a woman internally out of control; she is unhappy and is crying out for her man to give her the attention she needs. She wants to know without any doubt that her man loves her enough to control her.

    In our endeavours to promote “the individual” we have lost sight of the strength and power of “the couple” and the couple can only succeed when the male is clearly leading the female and ensuring all is well in her life.

    I love you blog well done.

    All Knowing Man


  2. Dear AKM:

    1) You said, that the woman wants to know that her man loves her enough to control her. I think that is exactly the situation.

    2) I am absolutely tickled at your comment. If you only knew how many of your posts I have read over time! Your words have often motivated me to do better! Thank you.

  3. I just had a discussion w/my husband that got a bit thick. We ended up dropping it, for now. We were talking about several good friends, all single men in their 40s. Sweet, funny, kind men, initially attractive to women. But they've never been a long term relationship, so they live these provisional lives. Their homes may be neat, but they aren't homelike. Their habits are irregular. They don't worry about having steady, long term jobs. They wear whatever seems clean enough to be tolerable.

    I said, it's unlikely any woman would choose them for long term partners unless they are willing to change. As they are, none of these men qualify as providers, equal partners, fathers of children. They live the same lives they did at 22.

    My husband, G, said, "I don't like that. Men don't ask women to change. Women make conformity to their vision of marriage a condition of partnership."

    I thought about our marriage. For sure, G would be like our friends if we hadn't coupled up 15 years ago. Occasions when I've been away, he's struggled to maintain a house and so on. He would never have picked being a father. There are lots of ways he's changed to meet my standards. But I resent the implication that I haven't had to change, too.

    I sometimes thing the force of his personality is such that my changes are invisible to him.

    Once, when we were both in our early 20s, both working at the same company, I said something uncalled for in front of co-workers. He took me outside. "I don't want you to ever speak to me like that again. And especially in front of other people." The expression on his face scared the crap out of me. I have never, ever crossed that line again. His firmness - and his confidence that I would submit - permanently changed me.

    I'm not sure exactly what my point is here. Maybe just that it goes both ways. I'd love to hear your thoughts, Vesta. Well, I do love hearing them through your blog!

  4. Penny:

    Thank you for such an interesting comment. I suspect you are right; that the changes that you have made for him are not seen by him. It is impossible for two people living together to not change for one another in countless ways. Interestingly, when I ask for a change from my husband, I need to be sure that I am doing that with a positive spirit because I just get his back up if I approach it in a complaining sort of way. Other times, I just have to accept things as they are because if I don't know now what he can change about himself and what he can't, then I will never know. Sometimes, the 'change' has to be my acceptance that he won't change. For example, if necessary, he will work all day and all night, repeatedly. Then, he gets grumpy until his body recovers. I can't change that. I have to accept it and have faith that we will have good times after that. What can't be altered has to be accepted.

    I think you are onto something when you speak of your husband drawing a line in the sand, and your response to that. Probably, you saw the truth of his statement; that it was unacceptable, and that you had really angered him. Have you told him about this? It might just resonate with him; what works for you.

    In relation to the girl in my post, she has no idea really, what she needs. She thinks she wants to control him. He is no pussy cat, and it will never happen. They would both have a life of misery. Until a girl actually submits, accepts her nature and asks him to take the lead, a man is in a major quandry. Sure, the man can be assertive, insist on standards, and so on, but until she resists the feminist message that there must be equality, and requests his leadership, there is only so much he can do. This is a girl desperate to be taken in hand. She won't be happy until she feels his strength. Her aberrant behaviour demonstrates just how desperately she needs his steady resolve. She has picked her man incredibly wisely, yet if she doesn't yield to his direction pretty soon, I think she will lose him. There is only so much a man will tolerate.

    I suspect, and I use my marriage as a guide, that the more a woman accepts her submissive nature and demonstrates that, the more likely it is that he will be able to demonstrate his dominant care. And, that, I believe, is the desired outcome.
