Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pushing her edges

"Are you cursing me, little one? Be a good girl for me!"

It is the dominant man's job to push at the edges; to get the girl to do what she has some difficulty in doing. She's been used to dressing in a certain way and it is time to shake things up a bit. He wants her to think about her body in a different way. Not so much her body naked, accessible and available for use; rather, her body put into an outfit that makes her feel vulnerable; different.

She's a slut and she knows it. She loves being a slut and there aren't too many edges to push as far as that is concerned. But, he has a notion to dress her a bit like a slut and this challenges her more than she could have known. She wants so much to be a good girl and yet he has burrowed deep into every chink in her armour. So used to making the most of her assets, she is being asked to embrace the parts of her body that she does not appreciate at all. She is being asked not only to see herself in a different light but to think about herself in a different light, too. A writer needs, does she not, to put herself into the mindset of a girl other than herself?

Who is this little girl? She has created a persona for herself, as all girls do. She has dressed carefully to hide what she does not like about her body. She has chosen clothing that she enjoys wearing and that shows her in the best light. Her clothes say about her those parts of her personality she wishes people to see; no more.

Now, he asks her to peel away the top layers of her carefully honed persona and expose every last vulnerability. As if she were an actress in a movie playing a stranger, he asks her to dress unlike herself. He asks her to dress in a way where she cannot be herself. He asks her to reveal what she usually hides; her inner thoughts.

She begs him to reconsider. He won't relent. Why all the fuss? Is her body not exposed at the beach? The dress would allow her more protection than a swimming suit?

It's not the point and she knows that he knows that it is not the point. The dress he asks her to wear may have more material than a bathing suit but a bathing suit doesn't make her feel like this.

She wants to please. She wants to accept the challenge and defeat her insecurities. Yet, she can't do it. She returns the dress to the rack and leaves the store. She cannot bring herself to buy the silly dress. She curses his tactics, and smiles to herself at the same time. Of all the things to be looking for!

She wishes she were making the purchase for her daughter. Alas, he wishes to challenge her.

She has an idea and sends him photographs of stylish dresses; longer dresses. Does he not think they are lovely? Does he not think she would be able to feel a slut beneath such a sophisticated dress?

It is a last ditch effort.

He's a nice man. Surely, a nice man would see things her way.

Nice try!

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