Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In business, it seems some men will stoop as low as they must in order to get what they want; and that is usually money. I’ve understood that for a long time and I’ve never had stars in my eyes as to what to expect of people in such circumstances. Yet, even I am still dumbfounded at the lengths to which some people will go. Ethics and morality don’t come into it. ‘Kill or be killed’ is the premise of many people these days. I don’t like it, but I acknowledge that it happens; a lot.

The power exchange relationship is nothing like this; thank goodness. It is not possible for the relationship to be successful if the outcome is that one person has won and one person has lost. In order for the relationship to thrive and survive, it must be a ‘win:win’ situation. Both persons must be satisfied with the outcomes. Both persons must be looking out for the other according to their roles and both persons must be happy about the relationship. If that is not the case, adjustments must be made. A submissive has nothing to gain from an unhappy dominant and a dominant will be unhappy if his submissive is not in her happy place.

It is the role of the dominant to push the submissive’s edges and if all is well, she will find the challenges uplifting and quite thrilling. Sometimes, the submissive is not in the least comfortable with having her edges pushed and if that is the case, her discomfort will become obvious to the dominant: anxiety will be obvious, in spite of her best efforts to keep this to herself and appear cheery. She will, most likely, continue to try to comply with his wishes, but her distress will remain just below the surface.

The wise dominant knows that changes must be made. He will ask himself if he is doing his best for his submissive; should adjustments be made; should he pull back a little and circle back to the issue later? There is no requirement to reach mile posts by a designated time and the wise dom can adjust his agenda to allow for issues along the way. Adjustments, for a good dom, are part and parcel of who he is and what he does. Rigidity is the road that leads to the abyss.

The dominant has the power at his disposal to do what he wants, but if he does what he wants without thought to how it is affecting his submissive, his power will evaporate. It is no fun at all (or it should not be) to lead those that are unhappy with your leadership.

In a power relationship, two people must be happy, satisfied and at peace. There cannot be a winner and loser. A power exchange operates on the highest morality and ethical base. Isn’t that grand?


  1. clearly dominants should run the business world.

  2. I agree with you J, Sir.

    This is an awesome post, Vesta. I feel exactly the same way. In every successful power exchange relationship, you'll find two people who are equally satisfied with what they are giving and receiving within the relationship.


  3. That was a good post on the role of a dom and a sub in successful relationship. That was such a good point that there can't be a winner or a loser and that a dom's leadership will evaporate if he's isn't aware of how he's affecting his sub. You really have a good feel for this lifestyle.


  4. A very good post.


  5. Sir J: Well, some do! Fortunately, it is not always this way, but in my neck of the woods, I'm seeing mercenary tactics regularly applied. I'm hoping that the 'collegiate' way of doing business is not at risk, but I truly fear that it is. The power exchange is an example, I think, of how things could be so much better in business. One doesn't always need to slay the dragon at all.

    spirited one: Thank you and I agree with you. A successful power exchange relationship sees both people in their happy places. It is hard work at times, but so worth it.

    FD: Thank you very much. That is a lovely compliment, indeed.

    pinkpoppet: Thank you.
