Thursday, October 15, 2009


When I was a little girl, my parents were always busy. They had the kind of lives where every moment could be filled with endeavour. I was a child who required little care from her parents. I did my school work conscientiously and when my mother enrolled me into dance classes or bought a musical instrument, I did those activities conscientiously, too. I enjoyed reading. I had a core group of good friends. I took care of myself. My aunt once said to me that I had brought myself up, but I never repeated that to my mother, because her feelings would have been hurt.

Somewhere in all of that, I developed the notion that the worst thing that could possibly happen to me would be that I would become a burden to someone. I didn’t want to be “needy” and I didn’t want to take up people’s time. I needed to be sure that people really did want to be with me or include me to feel comfortable. I would never have dreamed of inviting myself somewhere or assuming that I was welcome in a group of people. I was the opposite of ‘pushy’. In fact, I am still just like that.

My husband, who has also been extremely absorbed in his working life, has needed a lot of time to himself, and I nearly always manage to keep myself occupied in some way or other whereby I am not a burden to him. I understand the need, mostly, because I need time to myself, too. I enjoy people and doing things with them, but after that, I’m ready for home; for some time alone. There is a part of myself that I can’t always share; though certainly more here on the blog than almost any other situation.

At times, the responsibilities of my life have been too much. My husband became particularly unavailable to me through work and study pressures at the same time as I had three children in primary school and a new born baby. My mother is a wonderful woman but she just didn’t see it as her role to involve herself in my life, and there were times when I felt completely overwhelmed on my own; so tired and so overcome with a huge workload that I would walk into the laundry and have visions of climbing Mt. Everest. I sometimes felt I was being asked to do something that I couldn’t do. Still, I didn’t ask for help. I knew it was not forthcoming and I didn’t bother to upset anybody or myself for that matter, by asking for what I could not have. I just put one foot in front of the other and got on with it.

I became rather depressed for a time, although nobody knew it, except my husband. Unused to me not being cheery, he called an organisation for help once but found them to be useless, even hostile towards him, and in any case, my depression lifted of its own accord. My most natural inclination is to be happy and to enjoy life, and quite honestly, I think I just tired of the depression.

As time wore on, and with difficulties in our lives leading to much more stress than I had encountered so far, I turned my head to managing that stress by myself too, as best as I possibly could. I read and discovered thought patterns that helped me to see a path through to a place where I could cope. Those thought patterns that I read about and studied cleared my mind to allow me to express those thoughts of wanting to be controlled; to be spanked. Wanting to be controlled had been with me from the time I could verbalise thought, but it would take this long for those thoughts to be verbalized. To that end, there was great value in the hard times, I think.

As our marriage evolved into a more formal power exchange relationship, my husband became more involved in my life and that was sheer bliss for me. It softened me towards him and it softened him towards me. I had what I always really wanted but was afraid to ask. I had someone’s time and attention.

Fast forward now, to the present day...

For the past week I’ve had some thoughts occupying my mind, and I’ve been silently mulling them over. I’ve been trying to make sense of a few statements that had been made previously about me and about submissive women generally. It seemed to me, via those statements, that perhaps dominant men may think of a submissive girl as a burden. Sure, they didn’t say that out loud in so many words and they even refuted it as out of hand, but in my mind there was now a general notion that submissive women may be considered hard work. They tended to lack some self-discipline. They tended to have voracious appetites. If a dom didn’t watch out for girls (like me) they could suck up all the dom’s time. The best thing to do was to keep them very busy with tasks so that the dom could get on with his own endeavours. At the same time as the dom was saying “You are not a burden” he was, in code, saying that a submissive girl (like me) was quite the responsibility.

Can you imagine what such statements did to me? How I felt? I loathe the very possibility that I could be a burden to anyone, let alone a dominant man, whether he is my husband, my mentor or my friend. And, I was particularly bothered by the notion that I lacked some self-discipline; that I needed to be managed; that I could “suck up” time; that I didn’t always do what was prescribed.

Eventually, a girl’s thoughts and worries will surface in the right environment and I found myself asking my friend who is counselling me, whether a dominant man, an owner of a submissive girl, gets “sick and tired” of the lack of self-discipline. “Not at all,” he responded. He explained that he understands that girls like me require a certain amount of direction. It was assumed that was the case. Of course, he expected that the girl would come to see certain tasks as natural and that he would no longer need to ask about them, since the girl took care of them on her own without supervision, eventually. But, that said, certain girls like me needed to be handled in a certain way on a regular basis and that was that. “Well, what about punishment, then? Did girls like me need to be punished?” My friend explained to me that he believed girls like me needed to be corrected, certainly, but punishment was not required.

I started to feel much, much better. I was certainly under no illusion that I now had some sort of guarantee that I wasn’t going to get told off for times when I lacked self-discipline. And, there was virtual certainty that I was going to be directed to do things I should “right now” if I hadn’t done them already. ‘Correction’ was assumed and further expectations were, I always knew, part of the deal. But, I was definitely not a burden. I was not a failure. I was accepted for who I was; my virtues and my faults. I was a submissive girl with lots to learn and much improvement to make. But, I was acceptable; perhaps even applauded for who I truly am. I had never felt more comfortable in my own skin as I did at that moment. Accepted for whom we are; I think it is what we all crave.


  1. Thank you for this post. It's wonderful.

  2. the notion of you as a burden is hogwash and your mentor was right to point it out. A girl like you needs a certain amount of attention and correction and Dom's need a certain amount of control, a match made in heaven I should think.

    Vesta my list of 10 truths aside you are my friend and far from being a burden you have lifted some of mine. Thank you.

  3. Beautiful; vesta! You have no idea how many times I've felt like a burden. Like I was a weight around Omega's neck with my issues and past. He has never once expressed it, but has said many of the very things you have mentioned in your post, like about needing correction and requiring an often clear direction of what to do and when.


  4. The SaucymeisterOctober 16, 2009

    At one point you say, "At the same time as the dom was saying “You are not a burden” he was, in code, saying that a submissive girl (like me) was quite the responsibility."

    And then, "I found myself asking my friend who is counseling me, whether a dominant man, an owner of a submissive girl, gets “sick and tired” of the lack of self-discipline. “Not at all,” he responded. He explained that he understands that girls like me require a certain amount of direction."

    Is he speaking in code also?

  5. violacious: It was so lovely to receive your comment and welcome to the blog. Yes, this post meant a lot to me. It isn't easy to reveal so much of yourself as I did in this post and my heart was warmed by your comment. By the way, I've put your blog in my favourites to have a really good read when I get a chance. It looks great!

    Sir J: You are 'spot on'. And, your friendship means a great deal to me. Thank you, from the heart.

    mouse: I am so pleased my words resonated with you. It is hard sometimes not to feel like we are a burden, isn't it? Perhaps, sometimes, the dom does not realize just how sensitive we are about that. Omega seems an excellent match for your needs. Thank you for your kind words.

    my saucemeister: You are challenging me today, aren't you?! I'm not entirely sure what you are driving at. But, I'll try to explain what I *think* you are driving at:

    Probably the most difficult thing about being mentored by Janus was that he wrote to my husband, too. There was a very different tone to those messages than the ones to me and they were more harsh and matter of fact. My husband allowed me to see a few of them but they upset me so much that after that he refused to let me see them. I began to doubt what was said to me. Statements about "the sub this..." and "the sub that..." led me to think of myself as being intrinsically flawed and requiring regular punishment to attempt to correct my flaws. I may have been misreading everything. I may have been entirely wrong but the difference in tone led me to constantly attempt to decipher the "code".

    In my current situation, I ask for anything I don't understand to be explained. I asked about the difference between punishment and correction and I am comfortable with the answer. The approach (whilst not without pain) is not harsh. On the contrary, submissive girls are adored for their natures. For me, this is the difference that is significant. That's not to say that I have understood it all correctly, but it is what my gut tells me.

  6. Dear Vesta,
    Lovely post. I was really crushed when someone told me I was "high maintenance." That was the last thing I ever wanted to be. I thought I was "independent." But, labels like that only serve to shut down communication, not further it. I much prefer the image of Sir J's match made in heaven.

    All humans have needs. When they complement each other it is a beautiful thing.
    Happy spanking,

  7. Wow this really hit home. Everything from how you practically raised yourself to how you feel like you are a burden to dominants echoed so much of how I have felt over the years. Thanks so much for sharing. You've given me a lot to think about.


  8. Vesta,
    This is exactly the thing that i am struggling with. I just can't imagine why i should put more of a burden on my husband than a family already does. Shouldn't I be helping to bear that load, not adding to it? Tonight I'm just not seeing the answer.

  9. Maryann: Yes, I can well imagine how that felt. Although, sometimes, we might misread those sort of comments, and I'm open to the possibility that my interpretations aren't always right. Sometimes, a man says that but is thrilled by having a "high maintenance" woman in his life. Sometimes, they actually mean that she is taking up too much of his time and energy. I know that sense of it makes me want to run away and hide.

    My husband and I are in such a good place now. He understands my needs and I understand his. I took him to the airport recently and obviously looked a little nervous at his creative driving. He said, "Don't worry. I will look after you. I've been looking after you all your life." That's the truth.

    spirited one: You know when things are working, don't you? They have a way of reminding you how good it is to be in your company; how lovely it all is. That is all we want, really, I think: to know that we are appreciated for who we are.

    greengirl: I understand your concerns about this; I honestly do. Sometimes, my husband will need to work for weeks without a break and I get lonely and yes; needy. It's hard then for both of us. This is why it has been so important to me to know that I'm not too much effort and hassle.

    I was taught the very best technique for breaking tension in those times but it's too good (and powerful) to write in a comment. I will blog about my experience very soon. I think it will help you.

  10. Dear Vesta,

    you are right. Even the darkest dungeons have a green "exit" sign!

    Now, since you have settled this matter once and for all, we are waiting for some more (anal) adventures of Mr. Pinky...or have you forgotten?


  11. Clemmi: Oh right! Yes, of course! I'll get right onto that.

  12. Vesta, thanks for these thoughts. I need to take some time to think about them.

    Right now, I do feel like I'm putting extra effort and giving extra attention to my wife, because she needs it. She needs it. But I'm getting something from this arrangement as well. I like my role.

    I think some of the doms talk a bit about how demanding their role is so they can justify what they are doing. "I'm not being a bully... I'm doing this for you."

    In fact, I feel a bit of conflict. Sometimes I don't want to admit what it does for me.

  13. Mick: I will share with you that I mentioned your blog to a dom I talk to. I said that your wife seemed to be getting something out of being spanked and his response was that you'd be feeling a whole lot better, too. What you are feeling is pretty normal as I see it, and a major ingredient to the new relationship's success. Just enjoy it. It is one of the fringe benefits.
