Monday, August 31, 2009

Naughty = good

As a girl with a silly but scrumptious sense of humour and a deep desire for delicious, decadent delights (hello, David!), I can say that I love my current life. I can be sad or worried or disappointed and so on, for sure, but I find those negative states so darn uncomfortable and I quickly revert to seeing the good in life and in my life.

Nothing beats laughter. If you go past any elementary school playground at lunchtime you will hear laughter. Children laugh a lot. They find the obtuse in life and rather than take it too seriously, they let off steam by running around madly and laughing their heads off at the silliest things.

Of course, I am surrounded by such mirth and high jinks on a daily basis. Not a day goes by when my youngest child doesn't tell me about something that he saw on Utube that has him in stitches. My eldest child, when he was at school, would have a story for us over dinner, each night of the school week. One day, in English class the teacher began to talk of 'Hiawatha' and a friend of his jumped onto his desk, ripped open his shirt and began to beat his chest. The cute female (and studious) teacher looked shocked and immediately said,

"You will write at lunchtime, 200 times, 'I will not beat my chest in English class ever again.'

We all laughed our heads off. As a family, we just can't take that sort of stuff seriously. (How am I doing, David?) Mind you, if one of mine had done that, I would have made it pretty clear that I didn't approve at all. I'm pretty sure that all of them have done naughty things, from time to time, because signals are given between them that indicate they are holding one another's secrets. I just say, "I don't want to know. If it was in the past, keep it to yourselves."

My daughter is not happy about all these brotherly escapades. She would listen to their tales of life at school in amazement. She went to an all girls school and one night she said,

"Every night I listen to all these things that happen at your school. It sounds like so much fun. But, if we did something like that, we'd be expelled. It's not fair."

Double standards for boys and girls still abound. Girls who are naughty get into lots of trouble whilst for boys, it is considered something to be expected. At least, that is the way it works in my neck of the woods.

Girls did what they could to rebel the system. They had a go at wearing their skirts too short, or drawing on their dull black shoes. They did anything they could to make the point that they were individuals with a desire for fun and high jinks, just like boys. Their little rebellions were soon stomped over by the authorities and I can't tell you how tired it got, taking the calls of the music mistress that my daughter had absconded with her friend and wasn't at orchestra rehearsal, again. I made excuse after excuse for them, seeing their need for some devilment.

I am naughty. I miss my bedtime a lot, and it's a pretty generous bedtime at that. I don't always do what I should and I sometimes do what I should not. I play on my feminine wiles and I've been known to be cheeky and irreverent. (This must come as a bit of shock to you! I'm sorry!)

But, you see, the point is here that naughty is actually good. Let me make that clear for you:

Naughty = good

If I were bad, that wouldn't be good.

Bad = not good

However, naughty is entirely acceptable. Being naughty is fun and girls want to have fun. And, what is more, boys like girls who are fun. So, that means they must like naughty girls.

I wanted to take the time to explain this to the kinksters of the blogosphere because I think there has been some confusion about this, and hopefully now you've got it straight.

Naughty girls are really good girls who enjoy life and like having a bit of fun. Boys lik dat. Boys lik gurls that are a bit norty. Norty norty gurls, they say. But, they lik it. They do!

Naughty girls are simply those girls who are in touch with their youthful vitality and sense of fun. They see the joy in life and it can lead them to be a bit norty.

Like boys.

So, the next time you are called "a naughty girl!", take it as a compliment. Ask yourself, if I was not naughty sometimes, would he like that? Of course not! Well, there you are!


  1. yes we do, long live naughty

  2. #1 was very good
    #2 not so much, three is too few
    naughty is very good, indeed

  3. Sir J: 'Long live naughty!' Yay!

    David: Not 'nuf? Keep your eye out for more.
