Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pool of peace

Consider this. He says something to you which you register to be rude. This makes you angry.

However, you understand that all emotions are transitory. You don't ignore the anger. You feel it as a physical feeling. You are aware of this feeling and you allow the anger in. It came as a result of his words but you are not attaching any sort of story to the words or to the event; merely feeling the emotion which will ultimately run its course, as all emotions do.

You are present in this moment. You feel anger. Yet, the anger hasn't taken you over. You feel the emotion in the sense you are aware of the emotion but you are also aware that you don't need to be overcome by the emotion. It doesn't necessarily have to alter your sense of well being.

Anger has come and you accept that it has come. As you sit with the anger you will find that you become aware that the anger is dissipating...

This is a revelation. Within the awareness of the anger, you have found peace.

When you truly embrace this concept, it is a bit like finding The Holy Grail. This is your inner world of calm; your pool of peace.


  1. If only it were only that easy to do all the time. There are moments mouse has simply sat with the anger and it's wonderful.

    There are times tho that anger just slams into you with all the force of a freight train and you're just too stunned to get out of way.

    Now, those times are the very ones mouse needs to work on.


  2. mouse: I recommend this site to you:
    It isn't an easy concept and I will always be working on it to some extent, but I think it is a wonderful goal.

    1. Oh Vesta thank you for sharing the link...mouse had a look and it's wonderful!


  3. AnonymousMay 21, 2012


    Really well said.


  4. aisha: Thank you. It's a tricky thing to describe and only really understood when one finally pulls it off. I know I felt a huge sense of achievement when I first nailed it.
