Monday, September 7, 2009


A friend of mine and I were enjoying a brief chat (two chats actually) over the weekend. In the first chat, I said something about thinking that I might never quite reach 'slave' status. My mind rather refuses to rule anything out, teasing away at all the possibilities, however remote.

"Definitely not a slave," he typed in.

"Definitely?" I responded

"Definitely, definitely."

Well, that pleased me no end, I must say. After all this time, it was great to know that at least one thing was definite. It really eased my mind having someone tell me something that I was to consider indisputable. And, I did. I did consider it that. The thought that I am slave material is now quite out of my mind. I simply don't qualify and that's that.

The following day, he typed in,

"You're silly."

"Am I?" I asked.


Well, now there were two things about me that were definite.

This was wonderful!

I'm wondering if he might have time for a few more quick chats over the upcoming week. Perhaps by the end of this week, I will have a great deal of information gathered about myself; definite, indisputable facts that are non-negotiable.

Call me strange if you will, but being told what to think about myself has great appeal! It is right up there with telling me what to do.

Now, what does that definitely make me, I wonder?


  1. Being told what to think about yourself is quite restful.
    I find that when I can't get definitive answers from friends, there are always fortune cookies!


  2. Jz: Sorry, I had a 'seniors' moment and put your comment under my name.

    You had me giggling. Sometimes, I say to my daughter how uncanny it is that my horoscope is so darn accurate! Of course, she never seems to quite get the joke, worried that I could be so "silly". (You see, he's right!)

    But, seriously, I don't listen to just any Joe, Bill or Harry out there. This friend really 'gets' me and you, my dear, know all about how valuable such a good friend can be. He could, I am sure, make a list of 'facts about Vesta' but I think he rather enjoys spoon feeding them to me as time goes by.

  3. Sir J: "pliable"?

    Ah, you are right!

    This is getting better all the time.

  4. Vesta, I find your commentary quite interesting/ I was trained to be a submissive when I was 21. Being a slave is a different thing completely.
    A slave requires no input what so ever. A submissive has the power to request. Whether that request is granted or not does not matter. Slaves have no power. Submissives have the power of request and submission. Submission is a choice. I was never a slave but submissive by choice...and because of my submission...treated like a slave.
    consider this....we are what we are by choice. I crave being submissive so I am submitting my self to slavery. I become what another wills.

    Blessings, Roxie

  5. Roxie: Thank you so much for your comment. Yes, I have a dear friend who is a slave and she has told me the same thing. She is very, very happy in her slavery and most certainly continues to choose that state for herself.

    I have the greatest respect for that choice, and looked for qualities in myself that might fit. But I think it was clear to all who knew me well that that wasn't me and nor would it have fit in with who my husband is.

    When we find the right fit for ourselves it is wonderful, isn't it, and I am very pleased for you that you are happy.

    Best wishes

  6. I think you are definitely interesting.


  7. I agree with mouse: you are definitely interesting. I would also add definitely intelligent, definitely well-read and definitely a great writer!

  8. So let's see...

    I am definitely not slave material, silly, interesting, intelligent, well read and a great writer!

    WOW! Thanks guys! I must admit that when I wrote this post I was just having a bit of fun, but it turned out to be rather informative. Privately, two gentlemen who know my mind rather well offered that I was definitely "cheeky" and "playful". They are both right, of course!

    As I think about this list of my definite qualities, I realize that I am more like my parents than I had ever realized. My father had us laughing until his dying day. He was always looking for the fun in any situation. My mother, who isn't going to have anyone tell *her* what to do (!), had a relationship with my father whereby when he told her to jump, all she needed to know then was "how high". She adored him. So, in the end this post actually made me realize how very much I am a product of them both, and that made this post very special for me. Thank you.

  9. Whoops! I forgot Sir J's 'pliable'. The gentleman who said I was "playful" responded to that suggestion, "Def Def", so there seems to be agreement about that also. And, I am. I am pliable. As Sir J knows, if he says something is right, I ply my mind and agree with him completely!
