Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Obedience (2)

It should not have been a rough day today. Technically, it should have been a very good day. After weeks of disconnection and upset (at least on my side) my mentor (for want of a better word) and I had reconnected, so to speak. To put it simply, he'd been hurt by my lack of obedience in London and felt that he didn't want to engage. My husband does a similar thing if he is sufficiently unhappy with me and I imagine they both have similar things in mind. I imagine that they are sufficiently disappointed and irritated and just hurt and upset by me to feel that I am the last person they want to engage with. I just seem to illicit that sort of response every now and again. I refer you to my Obedience post to help explain what I mean.

Thank the Lord, it doesn't happen often. If they are rattled by me, I can assure you I am even more rattled by them. "I'm not happy with you," my husband will bark at me every blue moon and he says it in such a way as to put the fear of God in me. Not physical fear because even if he decided that a sore bottom is what I need, I wouldn't fear that so much. The fear I refer to is the fear of rejection; of having illicited this sort of response in him. He can raise his voice any day of the week, passionate soul that he is, but when he reaches that very deep and angry voice with me, I do fear that I have pushed him into a zone where I hate to see him go.

In this case, with the mentor and me, he ultimately issued a punishment/assignment (depending on how you see these things). cindi wrote every day for a week but at the end of the week, it was clear he wasn't satisfied. (He might refute this. I am giving my interpretation of events here). I think he just wasn't satisfied that the week of denial of using my plugs had had a sufficient effect on me. I seemed "just fine".

I may have been defensive about that. I may have been a bit strident in my responses.If he wanted to experience me as a complete wreck he was welcome, I thought, but he wouldn't exactly like it once he actually got it! He didn't complain about the exchange per se but I am willing to concede that I was none too humble and he wasn't really satisfied with me all round. Privately, I was angry with myself that I managed to keep myself in trouble.

When I went to bed (and here it is best to know I have a wicked cold) I felt miserable and whilst I got a little sleep, it was intermittent and disturbed. I just felt that this discipline/lesson was going on a bloody long time and I wanted it to end. Now, I know full well that I don't have the right to want any such thing, but surely it is human to want to be returned to grace, and that's what I wanted. As it stood, it was another day without permission to plug and another day in disfavor. I so hate that.

Ultimately, my discomfort in all capacities led me to the kitchen to take 2 panadol and a glass of water. I sat down at my desk and whilst I had promised myself not to, I entered my google password and offered my usual introductory greeting to my mentor. When I am feeling upset, I so need to talk! Before I knew what I was doing I was weeping and telling him that this was all too hard; that I was too soft for the likes of him. He sent me back to bed; told me to get some rest; that this conversation could wait another day and fortunately I had enough sense to do that much.

But the long time in Coventry (longer than i have been in Coventry ever before) was unravelling me and by last night I was what I refer to as "dim" - lacking all abilities to save myself. Fortunately, he was of the frame of mind to save me instead but not without a grave warning. He needed me to understand one, simple message. He was the boss and not me and if I felt differently then it was time to go our separate ways.

I gave myself a moment or two, but no more to register the enormity of the message before I sent my acknowledgment that I understood and agreed with that. For several minutes neither of us said another word until I asked if may go to sleep and we said our goodbyes.I had been put in my place and where I wanted to be now was alone.

My ego is still strong; still shining bright and my ego needed to lick its wounds and bunker down in bed. It was very uncomfortable and unnerving to feel that way but dare I say, strangely erotic and arousing. It is moments like this when I realize just how perverted I am!

I have written these words in bursts. Not so long ago I took hot food to my son at school since he will rehearse in a play now for several hours this evening and for some reason as I saw the children at the school my mind returned to a day in my early childhood.

We were perhaps 8 years old and forbidden from playing games in the little cottage where we changed for sport, but we did it anyway. On this particular day, a Mistress caught us at it and she told the girls off in a certain area of the room. She was sending them to face the wall and I hated the sound of that.

I could see an opportunity. Goody goodies are almost always believed and since I was one of those and rarely ever misbehaved if at all, I approached the Mistress and said that I had simply been washing my hands. Did I need to do that too? "No, dear, of course not," came the reply. It was just assumed that I would never disobey rules and so I used that to get away with the odd naughty thing.

Now, I tell this story against myself (probably quite stupidly) because I am willing to admit (to myself too) that there is a pattern here. Most of the time I am good. One or two percent of the time I am bad, but it has always seemed to me that if I am good most of the time, surely those percentages are awfully good! So what if I manage to get away with the odd bad thing!?

I think this thought has really held me back in terms of this lifestyle. I did think I would get away without getting my nails done to the longer length. I did think that I could agree to things in London knowing that it would be difficult if not impossible to comply. Instead of discussing those issues, I did choose for myself.

And, as I think about other times in my life, although I was a committed Personal Assistant I did do the odd disobedient thing just like this. I would promise to mail letters on the Friday night only to rush out on a Sunday afternoon to get the task done. It was another case of deciding for myself what was important in the same way that directives from my husband not to touch myself have been disobeyed. It seemed such a little thing at the time and I couldn't see the harm. It is that 'little girl' tendency to get away with the odd trick or disobedient behaviour or choosing for myself that I haven't been entirely able to let go.

My boss was sweet but when challenged, tough.My husband is sweet but when challenged, tough. My mentor is sweet but when challenged, tough. Are you seeing a pattern here? Meanwhile, I dance around them thinking it my right to be forgiven quickly, when they have felt that they aren't inclined to do that over and over again, even if I am good most of the time.

It has been a hard, hard lesson, this 'obedience' thing. In the back of my mind at times is this thought that I can get away with the odd naughty thing whilst the dominant types that I associate(d) with have all felt that such behaviour is completely unsatisfactory even once, let alone repeatedly.

Of course, I knew this down to my boots a long time ago. I remember my boss's wife threatening to do something her own way one time and I remember him saying to me, "If she goes ahead, she won't get my blessing". I remember him being utterly ticked off about it. If she had gone about it in another way she would have got what she wanted and his blessing and that was the lesson I learned this week. If I had got what I now know to be "prior approval" I could have avoided this whole fiasco.

A lot of learning went on this week over here. Most important of all, I believe, was the importance of communication: of explaining the situation and asking for a variation if that is what is needed. All too often in life, I have tried to keep everybody happy only to lose the plot when I can't actually do it all. I have to learn to be honest and explain my limitations and constraints and explain when I can't do what is expected of me.

I am growing; growing all the time and that's why I am still here. When I hit a limit - feel the sting of disapproval, of correction and discipline, of being brought down to size - I want to run and hide and lick my wounds. But, the desire to grow; the understanding that this is oh so good for me brings me back from that dark corner to leap over that limit and get back into the line.

"I am afraid of making another mistake," I said to him last night and it is true. Being called to task is something I avoid like the plague but it seems unlikely that I won't ever make a blue again. It is the law of averages, I think.It is what troubles me the most - that I could fall from my perch again. I'm sure there are still lessons to learn about that but right now I just want to focus on being good and putting such thoughts well back in my mind.

The afternoon has ended well. I feel strong and much better for having written this all out. Isn't it the oddest thing that being put in your place can feel so darn uplifting! I think that might be the litmus test right there. There is no doubting that my nature, although a tad feisty, is truly submissive.


  1. Vesta,

    It's hard sometimes to see the meaning of what they want us to know or understand...dunno if it's our ego, or what that gets in the way. One thing for sure, training and learning never ends. Neither does accepting.


  2. Vesta,

    Through out this whole series at the back of my mind I've really just though that surely you could have a little break on your vacation, a time just to decompress and go at your own pace and do things your own way. (That's a secret by the way, please don't let any domly men know I dare suggest such a notion.:))

    But I do understand more after reading this post. Goody goodies do push the limits from time to time. It does feel better to be put back in the right place, that of an obedient submissive girl.

    Hopefully you will fill better soon. This was sort of a long drawn out punishment, I imagine it make take a bit to feel all is well again.


  3. mouse: Honestly, I think we have both been upset and hurt and it has taken some time to get through it. I honestly, honestly, honestly didn't realize that I had the option to ask for an alteration to circumstances. I truly thought that I was caught in a vice and that I had to choose one thing or the other. I sincerely believed that I had to simply do by best to keep everybody happy.

    Learning that I *can* explain my cirumstances and *ask* for a variance was big news to me.

    I wish I hadn't had to go through this but life throws up things. I feel that I learned something incredibly important. I feel much stronger and even closer for having learned the lesson. I think that there are a few scars left to heal on both sides but we are both very strong people and I think we will seize the opportunity to continue to learn and grow from each other (even though he is the boss).

    Serenity: I am so glad you left me this comment because it gives me the opportunity to say something I did not.

    My time with my daughter was an opportunity of a lifetime. It may come again to spend time together like this or it may not. I went to her because I believe she needed me and she did. She was lost, unable to see the future and it took the whole two weeks (and a lot of tact and patience on my part) to convince her that she was underselling herself and that she had more to offer. We bonded and laughed and cried and had a marvellous, marvellous time.

    Was I aware of my submissive responsibilities? Yes. Did I decide in my mind to make them secondary to my daughter. Yes. Even before I left home, I decided to do that. Should I have told him of how I felt? Absolutely. If I thought for a moment I had that choice, I would havw taken it. Instead, I did what I could to comply but often I could not. Was it deceitful? Yes. Did it hurt him and offend him? Yes. I see now that it made him feel foolish because I didn't communicate my needs and instead led him on something of a merry dance.

    I regret that. I regret hurting him and offending him. I meant no harm but I did cause harm.

    It has been an extensive punishment and one that I have had to try to bear alone because I can't afford to upset the apple cart at home, as you would appreciate. Life must go on in families and this is where I have dealt with it.

    But, here is the good news. I truly believe we *both* grew this process. I think the communication will be stronger and much more transparent. It takes a lot of humanity and maturity to trust, to believe in another, to forgive and endure. I want to believe with all my heart that we are extra good friends and that within these roles we have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to become wise and demonstrate that this is a very good thing...two people who expect a lot of each other and provide the other with the opportunity to be all of themselves. That, dearest Serentiy, is a very good thing.

  4. Hello Vesta,
    I'm glad you're feeling better. I have to own up to the fact that this is not a part of D/s I can really grasp emotionally. I get it intellectually, but that's the extent of it. And I respect your choices.

    Okay, now that I've said all the correct things, I'm going to get opinionated. :P

    This kind of misery over the length of a set of nails seems either an over-reaction or only half the story. Yes, I know it *isn't* about the nails, but obedience, but I just think that taking it to this edge over this particular issue is odd. And that concerns me, because I know that misery is not your kink (it is mine).

  5. RG: Thank you so much for your comment which I appreciated very much. I wrote you a long response only to lose it into the stratosphere - twice.

    So, now I am going to write a response in a post, so please check that out. I'll try to put it up in the next hour.

  6. It's always the last one or two percent that's the hardest. It's where you have to confront whether you really are in charge or the dominant is. I don't think you are alone in struggling with that.

    It's also where you have to confront whether you are going to use your own evaluation of things or depend on the dominant's. It may seem silly to do what you are ordered, but that means that you are evaluating the task using your own values and judgments. When you look at your nails there's a length that seems right to you based on what you've seen others do, what you think others might think about it, what it will mean in terms of your ability to do various tasks like typing or doing the dishes, and so on. A very simple thing like how to wear your nails has a lot of complex interactions with the rest of your life. So, your mind will have many deep-seated opinions about what's right and what's not. So, it isn't a simple matter to have someone else define how long they should be or what color or anything else about them.

    Simple demands can trip you up in D/s very easily. Things you are accustomed to deciding on your own are especially difficult. But this is also what makes them a powerful part of the lifestyle, and what makes the manipulation of them so intimate. For a submissive looking for care this is what makes them attractive. The deeper the intimacy, the more it counts.
