Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bimbofic8n a mentil ting

A frend sent cindi a link 2dey 2 a cumvers8n on fetlife bowt wedda bimbofic8n harmfil. cindi gotsa lotsa tots bowt dis.

First ob ull, sum bimboz hab beri intens fiskil modifik8nz but dis nut reeeeli reel8 2 cindi. Sur, she liki dress beri feminiinli, dressz n skerts, n she liki looki pretti but she wood nebr hab sergeri 2 mek adjustminz. cindi liki stey fit n she liki get mor toned n lose few kiloz, wich she doin wif gr8 resultz, but she nut modify her bodi in deez xtreem weyz.

Habin sed dat, cindi liki da tot ber much onnir tagz n wen onnir abil 2 gif cindi sum of his fokus, she wanna da nippel rings - doz onnir tagz da mek her feel ebin mor owned. Dat a bodi modifik8n she def wan.

N, speekin of bodi modifik8nz, cindi happi wif da anal treynnin dat mek 4 a bodi chenj 2. Deez fiskil chengz beri beri persinel n sum bimboz liki tattooz, or get der brestz enlarjd n so on. Dis up 2 da bimbo n her onnir. cindi mek no jujminz bowt deez tingz. 4 sampil, it took cindi lung tym 2 feel cumfertibil in bi-n a corset. Ull deez modifik8nz tek a gud deel ob tym reeeli. Nuttin bowt dem hapinz obr nite.

So, in fakt, da bimbofik8n a mentil ting reeeli. It bowt a mindset; a leest it bowt a mindset 4 cindi.

Sum yeera bak, wen cindi unda lotslotsa pressir n stress, she discuberd dat ternin off her mynd helpi her gr8 deel. 2 dis end she a beri natiril bimbo n beri beri soootd 2 lyf az a bimbo. She beleef dat Pilates sayv her saniti. Nowdeyz, she regooorli dus pilates az wel as yoga, n now medit8n. She lubs 2 go 2 dat plays wher realiti nut introod, wher she peesfool n joyfool n where she cunnektz wif da sole.

Commoonik8n wif peepil hoo unnerstan wut cindi needz a hoooj gift in her lyf. She 4eva gra8fool 4 dis opportooniti n she feel she hab a sole 2 sole connekshin dat terribli importin 2 her. Dat she akoosd nut kerin bowt dis reeeli hirt her feelinz coz she sed meni meni tymz wut da troof; dat she mor gr8fool dan she cood ebr ebr sey in werdz. Bibofik8n streeemli importin 2 her n she nut no wut she hab dun wiffowt it.

Da pluggiz def tek cindi 2 da plays where she getz beri close 2 IT - wher she just a slutti hol. Cindi noz dat dis sownd liki hooome8n n degrad8n but dat nut da wey she cz it et ull.

On da cuntrari, cindi elev8d so much bi da pluggiz, da bimbofik8n n da peees ob myn dat cumz wen she pluggi regooorli.

cindi tryin 2 akept her punishmin graysfooli. But, heer da troof: she miss da pluggiz mor dan she ker 2 admit n she beri hopefool dat soon she hab bak so dat she ken speriens da joy ob da pluggi st8.

cindi nut spekt da hooz 2 unnerstan. Hoo ken unnerstan foooli wut dey nut speriens? But, cindi noz n she wanna her pluggiz bak! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeez.

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