Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How 2 pluggi

Der a chenj ob plan owtsyd bimboz cuntrol. Vesta habn rest. Dat paw gurl tinki so much n wurri so much dat she need rest. Dat gud ideuh.

Happili, cindi heer n dis her chans 2 rite bowt her speriensz. Nut onli dat. She heer uuuuuuul week. Yayayayayay!

So, 2dey, cindi wanna rite bowt wut she do eberi nite. Wel, der sum eggsepinz. Wen onnir tel her nut 2 poot in her pluggi coz he wanna yoos her, den she nut. But, on ull da udder nitez (n der few udda eggsepinz 2 da rool, liki now) she pluggi.

Jus l8li, onnir tel her dat sumtymz he liki 2 poot da pluggi in 4 her. Dat nys! But, sumtymz onnir bizi or nut ebin heeer n on ull doz tymz, most tymz so far, cindi poot in her pluggi at ni ni tym.

If nut bimbo, den mebbe nut no dis proces, so dat wut cindi do 2dey - splane how she poot in her pluggi.

Heerz da prosess:

Ferst, in da ebin, afta her showr n wen she redi go bi bi, cindi get Mr. Big or Mr. Ringo. Wich wun depinz on stuf offin owta her cuntrol. But, if gotsa choys, she choos Mr. Big, coz he da perfekt nite tym pluggi - beri cumfertibl but also stil kwite strechi. If, Mr. Ringo, datsa lotsa strechi n dat beri challengn uuuuul nite - beri, beri strechi.

So, lettuce sey she gots Mr Big in her hand. He fit in her han beri nyseli. She can grab him n he fill da palm cindiz han. N, wen cindi holdz Mr. Big in her han, alredi her hed stert 2 tinki bowt da strechi. Dat prolli a bimbo ting.

Cindi tekz Mr. Big n da loob, n a towel n she layz down on da floor on da towel. She coberz Mr. Big wif loooob, uuuuuul obr him, frum top 2 bottim. Den, she lay on her syd - on her left syd - n she poots sum loooob on her asscunt 2.

Cindi tenz 2 lay on her elbo n hol up her hed wif her lef han but den da rest da body on da towel; beri relaxd. Cindi bringz up her neez n offin she fyn dat her rite leg furda bent dan her left leg. It sorta da feetal posishn. Dis beri nateril 2 her.

cindi tek pluggi n pooosh it gentli genst da asscunt, jus 2 get Mr. Big rekwayntd gin n also, it bitva teeeez.

Den, beri slowli she stert to poooosh Mr. Big in2 da asscunt - beri slowli n deliber8li n sureli. She beri stil n silent udder dan da poooosh coz she njoy feeln Mr. Big slowli enter da asscunt n stert 2 tek charj.

It prolli onli bowt twenty secunz l8r, sumtymz mebbe mor, n cindi hab da thik end Mr. Big ul da wey 2 da asscunt entrans.

Now, dis wen da reeeeeel werk beegin. Dis wen cindi stopz n reeeeeeeeli cumcentr8z. Gentli but wif determin8n, cindi poooshz on the end of da pluggi n den she hab pluggi sit der 2 c if he ready 2 go ull da wey in. Sumtym, mebbe haf minut l8r, she feelz a grab. Udder tymz, Mr Big nut kwite redi. 2 hep him, bimbo releees him n den do wun big poooooosh. Eida wey, der a momin beri soon afta dat where she feel him tek obr. She let owt a l'il kwiet groan az he tek obr da asscunt n claim it az his own. 4 a secun, it feelz liki dat it jus 2 big 4 cindi n den a secun l8r it feelz jus rite.

Wen pluggi in his plays, cindi meeeedi8li beegin skueeez - lotsa skeeeeezn coz dat how she treynd - 2 skeeeez lots n lotz. Wif fayswashr she wipe wey eni xsess looooob n den she redi go bi bi. Dis da wey ull wel treynd bimboz sweeepiz.

Erli on, cindi nut abil 2 sweeepi ull da nite. Mr Big wakiz her. He ten 2 do tingz 2 her udder holz 2 dat mek it herd 4 cindi 2 stey sweepiz. Tots invayd her myn n she tinki bowt fuckiz lots.

Now, generili, she ken sweeepiz trew da nite happili wif mr big. But, if told yoooos Mr. Ringo, dat a difrin stori. Mr Ringo beerrrriiiiii strechi stil, n cindi kenna ignor him. He get her reeeeei hot n bothrd stil. Mr. Ringo stil a chalinj 4 cindi ulll nite.

In da morni, cindi wakiz beri happili wif her pluggi. Dat a lubeli wey wakiz 4 her. Sumtymz, she nut tek pluggi owt rite wey. It such a loss sumtymz dat she keep in trew da mornin. Nut ull da tym, but sumtymz, def.

Da gole 4 cindi 2 wer pluggiz mor dan she nut. Dat wonna happin dis week...

Mey hab notissd dat Vesta ken get her nikerz in nut. Dis a sheym. cindi nebr dis wey. Her pluggi pasify bimbo n keep her happi n kerfree. A bimbo wiffowt a pluggi a sed ting coz dis da bimbo swich.

cindi beri happi l'il ting. So herd 4 her 2 unnerstan y wood wanna gurl. Herd 4 cindi 2 unnerstan Vesta sumtymz. She nys gurl az gurlz go, gess...

Hope njoyd lernin how 2 yoos pluggi. Eni kestuns? Til 2moro. Bi bi.

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