Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A little break

I'm sorry to be such a mixed up kid at the moment but I think I have to officially take a little break from writing in this journal. I could, of course, just not write here and not make that announcement but it helps me to make this official and thus put a line under this period of time.

I'm sure I'll be back. I just need some time to myself away from this space at this time.

Things happen for a reason. This too shall pass. Life is good.

Be well. Be happy. Enjoy your days.


  1. Not too long now! lol..see you on your return

  2. Thanks for letting us know! You know how we worry. = )


  3. I do hope you'll find your way back here sooner rather than later. You'll be missed while you're away!

  4. litteOne, Susan, nbs: Thank you for your messages. I won't be too long at all, just long enough to get some matters attended to and to give my mind a little 'pausing and reflecting' time.
