Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dream on

Personally, I am not really into porn. In large measure that is because I don't really know where to go to find it and when and if I do, I draw the line at paying for it. In my mind, that could flip me over to the dark side where I might be seen as "aberrant", and we can't have that.

The other major reason I am not into it is that just watching people do things to each other without knowing the story behind those people doesn't do all that much for me. I'm not saying that I haven't watched the little free clips, because I have watched them. But, if there are words attached to the little scene, I am sure to read them because I want to know whatever I can about the set up of the scene.

I have my little tumbler site and I enjoy re blogging a photograph there. But, I might look very quickly through a hundred photographs before I find one that moves me enough to do that. We are all very individual about that but a young, skinny girl waving her tush at the camera doesn’t do much for me. I might feel differently about a man doing such a thing (does anyone know of any sites where men feature in the pikkis? That’s a joke. But, do you?) Generally speaking I like some interaction between the man and the woman and I like it to be stylish. (Okay, so, maybe I like some rather non-stylish things too but let's not get distracted.)

My point is that I see nothing wrong with porn or sexual photographs containing consenting adults. I freely admit that I am in my middle years and I am surrounded by people in their middle years. I see them at school, at the Club where I exercise, in the city, on the train, at lunches and dinners and I don’t feel that any harm would come to them if they added a little porn or smut into their day.

Consider the middle aged accountant in the city who has read the Financial Review on his way to work on the train. He sits at his desk all morning swamped by papers related to his client’s financial taxation returns. He allows his mind to drift for a moment to wonder why the orthodontist wants his right arm to pay for his teenage daughter’s braces and why his wife got so mad just because he forgot to put out the rubbish bins, again. What harm can it do him to check out his tumbler site at lunch time whilst he eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of coffee?

I dream. I dream constantly. Shortly I will take my pups for a long walk around the river and I’ll dream my head off. Later in the day, I’ll head out downtown to do a list of errands and I will wear my day plug as I do. I love the way it makes me feel, the dreamy place I go in my head and I love that it makes me feel contained; cared for and under control. If I can incorporate my inner world into my every day – my inner world into my practical world – that makes me very happy.

A number of my readers are of the academic ilk and I love that they drop by at some point in their day of heavy thinking to spend a few light minutes here. I think everybody deserves some time to dream – to tap into their inner world, their desires; what floats their boat.

In fact, I think the sex writer plays an important role in this life; as important as any other. It is said that we really only need three things to live – air, food and sex. That makes the sex writer pretty important, no?

Please. No need to thank me. I know you care. I really do.


  1. Dear Vesta

    I partly agree with you. I have my flickr account, which I use a bit like you do your tumblr blog perhaps, and I have an account on (mainstream videos --- but quite a few turn up if you search discipline or bdsm). "You have to have a dream, ..."

    On the other hand, when I stay away from porn, I find my fantasy life changes quite significantly. My fantasies these days are all about eye contact, a pretty woman I know smiling at me, ... it can take several nights of concentrated fantasising before a kiss, let alone an undone button. Of course, correlation does not imply causation, as your academic readers will tell us, but nonetheless, it makes me suspicious.

    fwiw there are lots of pikkis of men in my flickr favourites. Perhaps not the kind of men you're after.


  2. PL: Yes, I feel sure that we do react differently to various stimuli and the art of seduction - a smile, eyes meeting - is always worthy of thought.

    Thank you for the links.
