Sunday, April 18, 2010

Not much 2 say

A dolli knows her place. But, sometimes she 4getz her place. Dis situation happens when she nut yoosd enough. It needs reminders.

Cindi's owner notissd dat da dolli rather more vocal than usual this weekend. She express lotsa opinions and reeeeeli, her owner nut need all those opinions.

"Okay, cindi, open up. Time 2 wear your cock gag while owner collects the Japanese food. U just lay there and suck on that and think about what a gud dolli really does with her mouth..."

And, off he went, leaving cindi all alone on her bed 2 thinki bout dat!

It troo dat the dolli managed 2 stay beri quiet 4 da rest of da nite after dat.

But, da next morning, owner thought his doll rather mouthy agin.

"Okay, cindi back to the bedroom..."

Agin, he poot da cock gag in cindi's mouth and he tie her hands behind her back.

"Time 4 sum yoos, cindi. The doll needs a strong reminder of its purpose."

Well, cindi sucki wey on her cockigag with gr8 deal of gusto coz owner right when he say dat he yoos da dolli beri well.

Finally, he clean her up and sort her out and he turn her round and he say 2 her,

"Now, cindi, owner suggests cindi yoos as few werdz as possibel 2dey because if she yoosz 2 many werdz, then she signalling 2 owner dat she needs much more yoos and this tym, spankiz on da bottom 2. Dat cleer cindi?"

Cindi nodded her agreement.

"Off to the shower, cindi...on your knees...that's rite...crawling like a gud little pet..gud cindi!"

Cindi feelin rather quiet now. No need 4 werds 2dey. She glowing now insted!


  1. Need more words on BLOG, Vesta. That solves the problem.


  2. Rich: I actually enjoyed being quiet. I know. I know. It is hard to believe!
