For many, many years my fantasy life has been rich with the scenario of two men who deal with me. One man is my man and he is responsible for me. I belong to him. But, the other man is a trusted friend and in that role he assists my man with his role as my 'owner'.
Now, why should it be necessary for there to be two men to supervise me; to discipline me and keep me under control? Well, my owner travels the world quite frequently to deal with his business affairs and his trips can last from only a few days to up to a month.
It was established very early in our relationship that a girl like me could get up to a lot of mischief in that time and thus his most loyal friend, Michael was prevailed upon to assist with issues related to my containment and discipline whilst he was away.
In the photograph, my owner is about to leave for yet another business trip. We are in the office. You can see the monitors that are in the large trading room reflected in the glass. The room we are in normally has sliding doors that are locked but on this particular day, they are open. My owner has set up this room somewhat like a bedroom as he can work crazy hours dealing in millions of dollars on an international level in various time zones, and from to time, he catches a nap in this room. There are, of course, occasions when he has used this room for other purposes. Certainly, I have been used there on a number of occasions.
Soon he will go to the airport but he has called me into the office to relay details of what is to be achieved while he is away, and Michael is there to listen and take notes. Since my owner will be thousands of miles away, it is Michael who will be supervising me and dealing with any failures to comply.
We have attended to the list of chores to be done, and my owner's clearly defined expectations of me. He has reminded me that Michael has his permission to discipline me as he sees fit and that the details of any situations where a correction was necessary will be passed onto him. He has told me how disappointed he would be should that be necessary and I have promised him I will be good.
That said, he also reminds me that Michael will come around to the apartment each Sunday evening he is away to deliver my weekly maintenance spanking. It is clear from past experience that it would be futile to expect a high standard of behaviour without my weekly correction and my owner has advised Michael of what implement to use, how many strokes, positions and the like. You will note that Michael is going over these details that he has written on a piece of paper on his clipboard. He is a fastidious sort of person and this is not a surprise really since my owner would not have faith in any man, nor have as a trusted friend, anyone who was not able to pay close attention to detail.
At his request, I have worn into the office a black dress to just below the knee. The dress is buttoned all the way down and I have accompanied the outfit with red heels to match the red and black buttons accenting the dress. As is my custom when I come to wish him farewell before the drivers whisks him away to the airport, I have worn nothing but the dress and the heels.
There are only moments to spare before he must leave but the sadness reflected in my eyes urges him to leave me with a memory to keep me warm at night.
He has me unbutton the dress "quickly" and he places me on my back. He ravishes me with kisses and soon I am lost in his arms. The slight scent of aftershave on his skin, the feel of his woolen suit on my bare skin, the knowledge that Michael presses against my shoe, leaves me with a desire so strong, it would matter not if the whole trading room personnel were witnesses to this scene.
Soon my beloved owner will be gone. It is Michael who will keep me grounded. The imposition of my owner's will shall remain ever present in that of his trusted friend.