Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have had a great deal of fun writing this journal. It’s been an extraordinary journey exploring my sexuality and I would not have missed it for the world. However, all good things must come to an end and I believe it is the right time for me to end the journal and move onto other pursuits. I will be closing the journal to all readers very soon but I didn’t want to leave without thanking you for your support and indulgence.

It has been lovely to be part of this online community of like-minded people.  I wish you all good health and happiness. Farewell.


  1. Please Vesta keep in touch. You will be certainly be missed!


  2. Hi Vesta, I've followed your blog for quite a while, even though I don't always get a chance to comment. Thank you for sharing your life with us and I wish you a happy and joyous life.

  3. omw .. panic (there is still soo much to read and learn

  4. To Vesta and to all those other remarkable people who have commented here: thank you so much for sharing your insights and opinions. This has been a fascinating and enlightening read. My only regret is that I caught the wave so late.

    My very best to you all. Warmest wishes


  5. You will be greatly missed. If you change your mind, a woman's always got that right you know, I will always want to read more about "Vesta's Submission" (and cindi's too). Keep in touch! *Hugs*

  6. While I respect your decision, I honestly wish there was some way to change you mind.

    With that said, Serafina and I had a blog getting 10,000 hits a week on a different topic that we abandoned for personal reasons . . . so it is understood that life is what it is and only you can understand they whys and hows of your decision . . .

    Love and respect to you and yours,

  7. You will be greatly missed. Wish you the best.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to share your life with us Vesta. You will be missed xxx

  9. You are all very kind. Whilst I can't go into detail about my feelings, I feel a strong need to end the story at this point. At some point, probably not too far into the future, I may well open a new journal that doesn't look back (and I hope you hold me to that!) but stays very much in the present; 'in the moment' as the mindfulness people like to say. It won't be called vesta but I suspect you will recognize the style.

    I most certainly will stay in touch and please stay in touch with me. I value your friendship and am available in the same ways as in the past.

    Lots of love. Keep well. Take care.
