Thursday, July 22, 2010

Corrective procedures explained

Her father was a man of strong will and conviction and he had made up his mind that his only daughter would not be spoiled. He was convinced that whilst she should always be cared for very well, as he had always done, she was not to turn out like so many other girls from wealthy families; spoiled, precocious, demanding and with expectations that they should achieve nothing in their lives except how to use a credit card.

To this end, Clive Jameson decided to enrol his daughter in a small and specialized private school in the countryside where special care was taken that a girl achieved her absolute best, but that she also remain free from the influences of nasty and undisciplined brats as he has observed at her previous school.

Margaret did her best to try to persuade her father to allow her to stay at her school in the city but it was the temper tantrum she threw when he said 'no' to her that convinced him that this step was essential.

"Margaret, the matter is closed and I forbid you to bring it up with me again. At Ridgewood Academy you will receive excellent tutelage in your lessons and as well, you will receive discipline that will make you strong. I am doing this for your own good and one day you will thank me. Now, go to your room."

Margaret cried herself to sleep as loudly as she could so as to make her father feel sorry for what he had done but it had no effect at all. The next day they left for her new school. Her uniform would be provided by the school she was told so she had very little packed in her suitcase save for Monty her bear, and she prayed that he would not be taken from her. Though in her late teens, she was still young at heart.

The Headmaster greeted them in his office a few hours later and although he appeared stern he was not without warmth. He assured Margaret that although discipline at the school was strict, it was fair and equitable and that at his school she would be encouraged to impose self-discipline upon herself and to achieve at the highest standards. It was evident from her reports and tests, he said, that she was a most capable girl who could do better, and he intended to oversee that happy outcome himself.

Later, when her father had bid her goodbye and asked her to write regularly, she was taken upstairs to the Matron of the boarding house and it was through talking with her that she began to learn the ways of her new school. Poor behaviour, should that occur, was punishable in various ways but at Ridgewood Academy a different approach was taken than simply to punish bad behaviour after the fact.

Rather than punish a girl for poor behaviour, or achieving an inappropriate grade or for disrespectful conduct towards a Master or Mistress, it had been determined that all girls would receive a "correction" on a weekly basis. This correction would, in most cases, ensure that a girl understood that it was very much in her interests to avoid any further dealings with the Headmaster regarding inappropriate behaviour.

On Sunday evenings, immediately after the Chaplain's sermon girls should meet in the assembly hall (the room with no chairs) where they should stand up straight in lines with their hands clasped behind their backs. One by one, their names would be called and when Margaret's name was called she should immediately move forward to the front of the room and stand in front of the oak table.

When given the command she should take down her panties (regulation black) and bend across the desk, whereupon the Headmaster would raise her skirt to reveal her bare buttocks to the whole school. She should remain totally still (unless, of course, she wished strokes repeated) and receive 12 hard strokes of the cane. These strokes would be administered in a manner whereby it was hoped that marks would remain all week. This, it was deemed, would enable all girls to sit on a well marked and bruised backside for the duration of the week thereby ensuring that a girl was continually reminded of the expectations of Ridgewood - high academic achievement, superb manners and total obedience.

Naturally, Matron explained, there was the odd exception to the rule and from time to time, a girl did act inappropriately at some stage during the week, in spite of the stripes offered to her each Sunday evening. In this case, a note was made in her file and she was offered an extra six sound stripes to her buttocks and thighs on the following Sunday evening. Without exception, these extra stripes had convinced all girls, so far, of the best road for her to take.

"Do you have any questions, Margaret? Is there anything you would like to say?" asked Matron.

"No, Ma'am."

"You would not like to express your thanks for your acceptance at Ridgewood Academy and the opportunity to excel?"

"Ohhhh, yes, I would, Ma'am. Thank you for having me here Ma'am. I am very grateful for the opportunity afforded me to learn my lessons."

"That's the way, Margaret. Be sure to give your thanks to Headmaster on Sunday evening, after your first caning - always very sound. Headmaster is a most committed man and puts a lot of effort into his work."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good girl. Run along now."

Without realizing it, as Margaret opened the door with one hand she was rubbing her bottom with the other.

And, well she might!


  1. Can we have some more of this, please?

  2. e.e.: Since you asked so very nicely, I think that can be arranged.

    But, for the hundreds of people reading that didn't ask, I am not so sure...
