Thursday, June 30, 2011

Once upon a time..

Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a girl who dreamed. She dreamed of a way to live and love. But, no matter how hard she tried, the dream was a little beyond her reach.

One day, a boy reached out to her. Over time he showed the girl how to achieve her dreams. He showed her how to live and to love so that she was true to herself, just like in her dreams. He fulfilled her dreams. He rescued her.

The girl became attached to the boy. She was grateful to him and fond of him and held hope that they could always be friends.

One day the boy told the girl that it was soon time for him to leave. His work with her was complete.

The girl was very sad. She did not know how she would find the courage and the will to say goodbye for the final time.

As she sometimes did the girl returned to her notebooks for inspiration and guidance. She read these words:

“I’ll remember having loved you.”
“What shall we do tomorrow? Let’s think about it tomorrow.”
“To live is to prepare for goodbyes.”
“On death, some look back on having loved and some look back on having been loved.”
“I love you.” “Was that so hard to say?”

All these words she found on the one page, notes she had written a year ago, almost to the day.

And, in these words she found her strength. She could do nothing about the fact that it was time to say goodbye. This was out of her control. But through him and his guidance, she had both loved and had been loved in a way that she had dreamed about ever since she was a little girl.

It was time to say goodbye and she was as ready as she would ever be.  It had been a very good thing. She would never regret it and she would never forget; altered for good.

Sayonara, my very dear and noble friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Live well. Be happy. And, so shall I.


  1. This made me cry, made my heart ache

  2. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011


    Hugs to you both

  3. Vesta,
    in quiet knowing smiles ..


  4. Hello,

    To live is to always be ready to shut down and restart phases, hiking, and new discoveries.

    Good luke on your journey!



  5. You've written beautifully about all the very complicated emotions of something like this. I wish you all the best.

  6. A heartfelt fond farewell.

    IIRC you and your Dom both had this same Mentor. Are you both cutting the apron strings, or only you? Better for the two of you to be your own guiding starts imho.


  7. hidden slave: Your words meant a great deal to me. It was amazing to feel that we had connected in this way; a writer's paradise.

    Serenity: There is nothing quite like a hug; thank you.

    Mindset: Awwwwww I am okay. He is okay. And, I am far too old now to put any stock in the word 'never', so I don't really think the final page has been written.

    goodgirl: You know my secrets. Lucky I trust you. (smiles)

    Isido: Indeed. Life does not stay still and nor must we. Nor are we. Thank you for leaving me your inspirational words.

    greengirl: Such a lovely and sensitive response to the post.

    PL: Ohhh yes, a very fond farewell, until the next time we meet. The guidance set me up and was always intended to set me up as a "professinel bimbo" - able to stand on my own two feet. The "trennin wheelz" had to come off eventually and this was presented to me as something "beri sitin" and so, it is. All is well.
