Monday, April 27, 2009

Little girls with little curls

“There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead
And when she was good
She was very, very good
And, when she was bad, she was horrid.”

My mother says that about her new dog. When she is sitting nicely beside you, walked, fed and content, she looks such a sweet little thing. If someone should see her then, they would think her a most well behaved dog.

But, we know better. She is a devil on four legs, and in the short time I have been minding her, she has turned my life upside down. We just could not understand, this morning, what we could have done wrong. We had put her out in the garden, the gate was locked and her entry back into the house through the dog door was barred by a closed door.

But, the vixen that she is, she found a hole in the very back fence, through to the neighbours’ garden behind us. After we had lost a good few months of our lives, roaming the house, the garden, the streets,worried sick about her, we drove around to the back neighbours and there she was, running about the legs of two large, black male dogs, like a girl looking to get laid.

Of course, we called her name, many times, used her squeaker toy to distract her from them, but to no avail. She wanted the big boys. Eventually, we cornered her, and took her home in disgrace. Her entry to them was immediately barred with a temporary gate, but she is currently barking away, trying to get their attention again.

Is this the way it is with some girls? Do they insist on running free? Running wild? If so, good luck to the man who takes on the task of taming them!


  1. it's funny you posted that poem. With all my mood swings and temper tantums of late, I sincerely thought of quoting that to describe me!

  2. cutesy pah:

    Truth to tell, my mother used to say this to me sometimes when I was very young (and horrid), too!

  3. you two of similar thoughts, what are the odds???
