Friday, November 16, 2012

It's time

It is said that all good things must come to an end. The time has come to stop writing in this web journal.

In the years I've been writing in this journal there have been ups and downs, of course, but there's not a moment I'd take back. I have absolutely no regrets. It is also said that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all and I have loved the experiences contained in these pages. I truly would not have missed it for the world and I remain forever grateful for the opportunities I have been given to know myself in this very special way.

I can't leave without saying a very special thank you to all the friends I have made along the way. I'd like to mention a few special people, if I may. David, my dear friend, thank you for always being there for me. cassie, Rich, Sir J, Rolly Mo, Anon, thank you all for your stimulating conversation and friendship. To my darling goodgirl, all my love.  We're friends for life. And last, but certainly not least, to the divine Mr D, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're always welcome in my inbox and my Google chat box. I hope one day you will give me directions to that coffee shop of yours when I blow into town.

It's been exciting, joyous, uplifting; enriching. This web journal has enhanced my life in ways I never could have imagined. More than anything else it has been a great deal of fun.

Thank you for all your kindnesses and your interest.

My very best.

With love,


  1. You will be greatly missed. *Hugs* Please stop and visit sometimes.

  2. A sad day indeed, yet I still see a bright future for you. Thank you again for sharing yourself so openly with us. You have touched our hearts and given wings to our souls. To quote Vinnie Jones (Big Chris in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels): it's been emotional.

    And for me at least, in a good way.

    Nothing matters more than relationships. Look after yours and be happy. You deserve nothing less.



  3. Sorry not to have your posts to read. Should you ever feel inclined to discuss stuff like non-duality, Advaita etc (or other stuff for that matter) you have my email address.

    Are you still going to add to your tumblr blog? I am fed up with tumblr now as they have become unusably slow.

  4. Please check in on occasion. You'll be greatly missed in the blogging world.


  5. I will miss you. Thank you for all you have given me.


  6. Vesta,

    You were one of the first blogs I started reading and I will greatly miss your posts. Thank you so much for sharing with us all. Take care of yourself and best wishes to you and your husband.


  7. Of course you must do what is best for you and what makes you happiest. Never the less I shall miss hearing your thoughts, you're an extremely interesting woman.

    Best wishes in all you do.

  8. oh NO! This really does sound final. I am going to miss your perspective, your writing, and knowing you as one of the few locals around here..a shared understanding of sorts.

    All the best


  9. Serenity: Awwwww, thank you. My best wishes.

    Rollymo: "It's been emotional." That made me smile. It *has* been emotional and as you say, in a good way. It was fun, something that is highly underrated. But, I know you'll send me a "monologue" from time to time. I can count on that, right?

    Malcolm: Oh, definitely! I don't even know what those things are but I think I have proven I am a willing learner. I shall be in touch.

    Heather: Well, I shall check in, in one way or another. More on that soon. Thank you.

    Susan: I'm working on something new and different and I've got your journal in my 'blog list' already, so it's not over. It's just...different.

    gabby: What a sweetheart! Thank you so much.

    Anon: I owe you an email note. I'll get to that. I'm still here, my friend.

    greengirl: Thank you very much and my best to you.

    littleone: Yes, I can relate to that statement. I plan to still write just in a different sort of way. I think there's still something there for you. Once I have it sorted...I'm close...I'll share the link. Be good!

  10. You'll be so very missed!
    I'm sorry you're leaving. I've enjoying reading and seeing things from such a different point of view.
    All the best to you, always.

  11. Hello my darling girl - yes, it has been emotional, highs and lows in every possible way. You have given me hope, offered insight and excitement too! I will miss checking in and hope checking out will not be 'final'. All my love to you and yours, Janey xxx

  12. Dear Vesta,

    i was your very first commenter, remember? it felt very "right" at the time. The possibility of being your last though, somehow feels "wrong".

    Thank goodness the two of us have other ways to communicate!

    Take care, talk soon...

  13. Janey: Lovely to hear from you. You have my contact details. Please do keep in touch. My love. xx

    cassie: Dearest cassie, I think it is highly wonderful for you to be my first and last commenter. It completes the circle. It is highly appropriate. I feel you are with me as I press that button for the last time and send these pages to dust. I send you all my love. Be well. xx

  14. nbs: Thank you for your good wishes. I look forward to exchanging emails.

  15. Vesta, I'm going to miss your wise commentary and the interesting topics you explore. Hope you are happy and that life treats you well. All the best!

  16. Jake: How lovely to hear from you (and give me an excuse to write here again). I'm doing well, thank you. I'm writing a little on a private web journal, sort of a make over really with a rather up to the minute designer minimalist sort of look. I must say I think it's rather smart! I think one of these days the urge may take me over to share and when and if that happens I'll make a note of the link here. Do try to get a little work done, Jake. Don't let that kinky mind lead you too astray. (as if I can talk!)

  17. Vesta, I'm sorry to see you go. If you change your mind, we'll be here.


  18. Hermione: Thank you for leaving me this note. I'm settling into some private writing at this time and finding my new rhythm, but some day it may well feel right to share and I'll be happy to leave a link here.

    Hugs back to you,

  19. A Thomas the Tank Engine fan!

  20. Malcolm: I'm def a Tank Engine fan and have a box of them saved up to give/return to my third son when/if he has his son. I've several 'James' trains because my son was so attached that I needed replacements for the times when we couldn't locate him. However, I was actually referring to The Little Engine that Could. I'm sure you know him too!
