Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just saying...

For the third day, my 'owner' has worked from his study in the house and for the third day in a row he has had very little sleep. This being the third day of living on the edge, my defences are wearing down. I have felt an urge to sit and write, to calm myself and settle myself by getting something down on paper but there are constant interruptions putting my nerves on edge.

I abandon the idea. I exercise. I clean the kitchen. I do the laundry. I do anything at all that will give my body momentum in lieu of my mind and thereby, with any luck, combat that sense of agitation I feel.

He finds me. He asks a question about the credit card bill. Then, he wants to know if the Internet is down. It is. I was waiting for him to get off the phone to ask him if it was okay to reboot but he tells me I am wrong. I should reboot if it goes down. “I was in the middle of doing something,” he chides, which is exactly the reason why I was previously told to wait and ask!!

I bring him some lunch and hear him clearly frustrated with the answers he is being given by the person on the other end of the phone. I drop the food and run. But, he comes to tell me what fools the people at the bank are and how they managed to inconvenience him again. I nod. I listen. I hope the explanation is over soon.

I retreat to the laundry and he comes to tell me he is sorry. I try to explain, again, that I find all this commotion tough to be around since there is nothing I can do to make it better and is it at all possible that not having hardly slept at all for three nights, he might be a little grumpy due to lack of sleep?

He expresses his lack of understanding. If he was not directing the upset towards me why should I be bothered to listen to upset directed at someone else? Again, I try to explain that I find it tough to have my day engulfed in this way, and that I’d like an opportunity to retrieve what I can of my day.

“You need a spanking,” he says.

Well, maybe I do. Maybe that is exactly the best outcome because it would settle him down; give him a sense of control over himself to feel that he is controlling me by spanking me. I’m not saying that it wouldn’t do me good, too. I’m just saying...


  1. "I let him spank me and it makes him mellow," is the line I remember Lynda writing. And sometimes I need to give the spanking--but she needs it too--everytime, I'm sure.

  2. Mick: What a hoot!! I had the line "Are you paying attention, Mick?" in the final paragraph but since I was trying to heed no attention to the reader I thought I best edit it out. But, I just knew you would understand and relate to this. I just knew it!!!! LOL

  3. Dear Vesta

    Very powerful writing, and very fluent!

