Thursday, February 10, 2011

Writing to write

Recently, I was offered the thought that I wrote to impress: to impress the reader. The opinion I was given was that I didn't write to write, to express myself, or to figure things out, but rather so that people would say that I was a good writer. It was felt that I was still ego laden.

These words have had an amazing effect on me. Frankly, I am troubled by them every day. I have conjured all sorts of ideas to resolve this: from writing only on my private blog, to opening a new public blog to writing differently here on Vesta.

On top of that, this particular period of time is very difficult for me as I begin to express all of myself verbally; something I am not at all comfortable with or have done before. When I told my doctor that I wanted to see a psychologist and why, I was aware that my voice had changed; that these revelations were in fact, an out of body experience. Somebody else was saying all this; surely it couldn't be contained, happy, in control, can cope with anything Vesta!

In the past few days, my inner turmoil has not just seeped out, but emotions have gushed in much the same way my country experienced an inland tsunami: in an abrupt, wild and threatening manner.

Whilst the waters are receding now and I'm returning to normal too, it occurred to me this morning that perhaps now is a good time to try to write in a way that is more true. This will not impress the reader. This is quite simply the free flowing and open thoughts of a submissive woman run off the rails but desperately trying to find her way back to a lifestyle that means everything to her. This is Vesta as you haven't seen her before.



It came up a few weeks ago with M (for Mentor). I said, or rather cindi said, that she didn’t think that containing her emotions was a good idea and he replied that bimbos (non thinking fuck toys like cindi) didn’t need to contain themselves. Rather, they needed to be contained.

I deduced from that comment that it was all right to express my emotions, although I remain unconvinced of this fact. I think that the men I know want what they want and that includes a self contained, self evolved woman (or fucktoy, as the case may be).

O (for owner) is often completely absorbed in his own thoughts and projects, preferring to work into the dead of the night. It would suit him if I were happy, self-contained and able to always bounce back fast when he speaks to me in a way that I perceive as rude and uncaring (but which he forgets about the moment the words have passed his lips).

He wishes me no harm but at the same time is hopeful that I can take care of myself in stretches of time when he wishes to hyperfocus on his projects. That I give the impression that I am coping is what he takes to be true. He’s not inclined to delve further than that and I’m not inclined to express the distress that lays below the surface at those times when it is clear he wishes to be left alone to think or work.

In much the same way, M wants to interact with cindi. In fact, it is the only form of interaction available. Cindi, being a fucktoy doesn’t think and she doesn’t worry. She is playful, joyful; happy and obedient. She is contained and as I see it, her emotions must be contained, too. Hence, she can’t communicate if she is experiencing negative emotions for any reason. She simply doesn’t come on.

All hell broke loose yesterday. The dam burst and my emotions, long contained were released. I said a lot of things. I was very blunt. I need attention regularly, not sporadically. I want more sex. Stuff like that. But, the biggest thing I said was that I had put a lot of work into myself and he had put next to none into himself. It was time to stop referring to my behaviour and to look at his behaviour if we were to get this thing right.

“I want to have fun. I want joy in my life. I don’t want to just cope. I want to live my life. If you can’t do that, tell me now.” I remember saying that. I didn’t exactly mince words.

I had come to the end of my rope and he knew it. I needed him to hear me and I needed things to change. To his great credit, he let me rant and he comforted me the best way you can comfort a woman that has lost the plot.

I have taken and taken and taken until I can’t take any more. I need real change. I need him to look at life in a new way. Somewhere in there I think I said that I wanted to go live alone. The pain of living with a man who couldn’t embrace me for who I am was so burdensome; it seemed an agonizingly slow death. Better to just cut my own throat, was the thinking going on in my head, as best I understand it myself.

Seeing more clearly than I, he said that it was more of him that I was really asking for – not to go away - and that’s right. I need him to sort his affairs, and be prepared to enjoy the rest of his life as I want to enjoy the rest of my life.

Am I anxiety laden? Of course I am. I have been in the pressure cooker for far too long and I am making one huge leap up and out of there.

I want to live with my heart and soul filled with joy and peace and contentment. I want to live according to my nature. I want lots of lovely sex. I want what I want too.

Contain me to your heart’s content. Great! Remind me of my place. Fantastic. I’ll play and play and play. I adore to play. But contain my emotions at your peril for I am an emotional soul. I do experience all the emotions and I need to express them. It can’t always go the top’s way. I serve willingly and enthusiastically but I am a complete human being and I ask for care. Care for me, all of me (even the parts you don't necessarily want or like) and yea shall receive in abundance. That’s a promise.


  1. the hardest thing to admit and accept is that there are things you want and that you must have them.

    Most people are pretty clear on what they don't want. When when they know what they want, life gets interesting and perhaps happy.

    Write for yourself and live for yourself--those are not bad things.

  2. in conversation a submissive called me on my "I want what I want" and told me that was easy as I was a Dom but what about her as sub. She was not allowed to want what she wanted.

    I said to her, "I did not say that, I did not say anything like that, what I said was" "I will look after everything including and especially her." and if I am to do that how would it be possible if I did not know everything she wants and then at the right time and in the right way give it to her.

    Everybody wants and everyone is deserving. Any and every lifestyle must encompass this.

  3. I like the way you are writing now. I much prefer blatant honesty, even when ugly. I am feeling the same way as you in my relationship. Especially the part about working on ourselves while our partner doesn't work at all. I'm in the same situation exactly. I wish the both of us good luck.


  4. Dear Vesta

    I can't remember when I started reading your blog: a while ago, and I would have read back from the beginning. I've never had the impression that you were writing to impress --- it really is quite easy to tell.

    I don't think you've been writing to impress "your public", but I have had the impression that you pre-process your posts thoroughly before you publish. Perhaps you've been writing to impress a certain part of yourself, or to impress M or O. Certain things are not said, certain ideas not entertained. Occasionally your writing has seemed haunted.

    This post seems much more immediate, dense, rich, fertile, alive, healthy. I shall have to read it again before I can comment on it.

    xo PL

  5. p.s. Just wanted to say "Bravo!" it must have taken guts to speak out like that.

  6. perfect71ps said:

    "Perhaps you've been writing to impress a certain part of yourself"

    I think I relate to this very well. I would add it to my comments over at
    Maryann's excellent post about this post.

  7. Mick: Well, if I could say just one thing that I want it would be to live calmly, peacefully and with a positive spirit. So, I will work towards that goal. Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts.

    Sir J: I do recall now reading your 'want what I want' post. I hope you don't think that my ramblings here (more like a diary entry really) are in any way related to that. I happen to know you well enough to say with authority that you put a great deal of time and consideration into giving your wife what she wants. A power exchange is really incredibly demanding, I think, because it does call for the top to understand everything about the bottom and that requires a lot of honest conversation. To be done well turns it into an art form. I would say that I need to feel secure - positive about life and secure - that's about it. I've conveyed those thoughts to my husband.

    PL: I really appreciate this critique. If the writer is impressed, that's great. That is, if he/she enjoys reading me, or gets something out of reading here, that's a great bonus for me. But, I write because I need to write and I rather enjoy the idea that it is read. I have always written so whether in this space or another I would always write. It is my way of expressing myself.

    I haven't always said everything that I would if I were writing for just myself. That is true. People often don't write an autobiography until certain people in the story are dead. They just don't want to cause grief. I am the same. I don't want to cause grief at the same time as I want to express what is on my mind. Sometimes, that has been a juggling act and why I now have a private blog as well.

    I do want to say that I often write right into the 'new post' box. I am inclined to write from the hip a lot of the time and take very little time to write. It usually pours out of me. If it sounds hogwash to me then I delete it and leave it for another day. Unfortunately, I think what you often get is the thought on the top of my head or the thought that has to be expunged onto the screen.

    I think the post was daring, yes, and it seems from the comments I have received and other posts written about it, rather misunderstood. But of course, I'm afraid I can't give all of the context required for it to be better understood. I did say that I was writing it for myself. Very much appreciate your thoughts.

    Baby Man: You are close. I am not writing to impress myself but sometimes I write to convince myself that all is well. I have definitely been aware of that - to put a positive spin on life or to use humour to lighten a situation. I think the reader, unfortunately, fails to see that I am often just having a good time and smiling and even giggling as I write.

  8. I really do not understand the motivation or the reasoning behind someone saying that you write to impress. I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and what I see is your very honest and very real thoughts, feelings, opinions, actions and reactions. I get the impression of you simply transferring what is on your mind into words on the screen without thought of what others may think. I fail to see how any of that is 'writing to impress'.

  9. shape shifter: I very much appreciate your thoughts. I have to admit the thought that I write to impress has bothered me and I've really looked to my motivations to write to see if there is any truth there. The honest truth is that I often feel I should be more 'politically correct', or tactful, or circumspect but my *need* to simply say how I am feeling in the moment often takes over.

    In fact, what the reader often gets is a product of my 'containment'. Whilst I revel in being a submissive maybe 90% of the time, 10% of the time I am deeply challenged by the things said to me and the expectations of me. This is my outlet. This is where I 'voice' what no dominant *really* wants to hear.

    'Tomorrow' is always another day for me. What I said yesterday enables me often to snuff it off and get on with what works for me, for my marriage and others close to me. Sometimes, I just vent to enable there to be a new tomorrow, unencumbered with difficult thoughts. I think some women take those thoughts to their girlfriends or mothers or what have you. I don't as a rule. They are 'contained' in this web journal because I think that is much safer for everyone. I do pity the reader sometimes having to read my jumbled thoughts. I can only hope that most posts that are full of light and fun and positive spirit (I hope) make up for those posts that reflect my more frustrated moments in life.

  10. Vesta,

    Whatever your write, and whichever voice I am impressed. Sometimes your writing is very polished and your talent really shines through. Sometimes, when cindi has her voice, I have to read it a few times to figure out what you are saying. Some post, like this one, more emotion pours out.

    To me it has always seemed that you work to share your authentic self, whoever she is at that moment. A talented writer is a part of your self. I don't think you are writing to impress anyone. I think you are simply learning, experimenting and expressing.


  11. Serenity: I had to smile when you said you had trouble reading cindi. Her 'spelling' isn't quite as good as ours but if you were ever to start to use 'bimbo speeki' you would find it a piece of cake. I'm giggling, because even now I sometimes look at a word that comes through and have to break it down to each syllable to make out the word.

    I think you are spot on. I really love to experiment with this notion of a power exchange in every way I can. I consistently experiment and find new ways to express myself in an almost obsessional way - as if I might unlock some 'truth' if I just keep working away at it.

    And, thank you for saying such nice things about me. I haven't been very nice to myself lately so I appreciate good friends doing that job for me.

  12. > the biggest thing I said was that
    > I had put a lot of work into myself
    > and he had put next to none into himself.

    That is the crux of it for me, not just with your relationship, but with the D/s style in general: there seems to be no way --- within the game --- of keeping the Dom on track. Self-criticism is important but not enough. Sir J is the only Dom blogger I know of who seems to take this seriously.

    You have found an exciting new voice. I do hope you add it to your repertoire.

  13. PL: As I see it, it *is* a constant challenge for the top to stay true to the mission, since, as you say, there seems no other format for formal critique for him/her than self-criticism. And, it is a very demanding role, suited to very few, I think. I guess open, honest and regular communication is the only avenue available, such that the submissive can advise of issues that occur. Perhaps my mistake was in putting my faith in the system, so to speak, when I should have been communicating my needs, what was working for me and what was not. Part of the erotic appeal is that one does *not* communicate these things overly, so as not to lose the magic, so it is a fine thing. Probably the best outcome is consistent and minor corrections or adjustments as necessary. It all comes back to the top's job being a tough one requiring a lot of effort and attention on his part. Inherent in the concept is that he is going to fail at times, as well as the submissive. Perhaps this is where a healthy attitude towards failure comes into play and none of us should take too seriously that adjustments and corrections for the top and bottom *will* be necessary. (But, I would love to hear a top answer your question and I am sure it would be better than my poor attempt here.)
