Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It is a very novel experience to be holidaying on my own in a foreign country. I am staying with my daughter but I have seen very little of her so far as she has a rather long working day, but time together is on its way. Some holidays have been approved and we have two long weekends together to look forward to.

I am tickled pink to be able to report that I not only met an online friend for the very first time but I met my first online friend, the charming Abel of Spanking Writers and his delightful wife, Haron for lunch yesterday.

I contacted Abel some years ago now asking him if he might like to swap notes and explain a few things to me, back when I was as green as grass to all things kink and being the gentleman that he is, he kindly obliged. We don't correspond all that regularly but I have always known that if I need advice, Abel is merely an email away. So, it was not at all a surprise to me to find that he is just as delightful, sweet, friendly and helpful in person as he is online.

Being able to speak to someone in person, other than my husband, just as I am completely was pure gold. We chatted away as very dear friends and whilst the conversations moved from topic to topic, we effortlessly moved over topics that I could never have done with my vanilla friends. I hadn't realized how liberating that was going to feel.

And now, another opportunity comes along and a reader is meeting me for a drink and a stroll around Hyde Park. I need to pinch myself to believe this is happening. Not to mention that I have been invited to a gathering of kinky people next week. It is all so very exciting!

I've just said goodbye to my husband on Skype telling him of all my news and I told him how lovely it feels to be "owned" and he said to me it is lovely for him to be an "owner".

We never know why things happen as they do but the lovemaking that occurred in the 24 hours before we left was as sweet and complete as any love making has ever been between us. Perhaps, we knew it had to be good to last two weeks or more. Perhaps, it is our time in the sun to luxuriate and radiate in the mysteries of each other and of life itself. As we said to one another, "good things come to those who wait".

I am very happy; adoring the time to go at my own pace, to explore and to have an adventure. It is all the more wonderful to me because as I go about London on my own, marvelling at it all, I know in my heart and my soul that I am an owned girl and a very loved owned girl at that. It just doesn't get any better than that.


  1. Vesta,

    I'm delighted to hear that you are enjoying your adventure so much! You are right, it doesn't get any better than being a "very loved owned girl."


  2. I like this. Are you familiar with London? I guess not as it is in a foreign country for you. I lived there in 1954-60 and enjoyed it very much, though later I came to prefer rural surroundings. My son lives there now and he thinks it's a great place.

    How come your daughter is there? Married to an Englishman?

  3. Serenity: I am so pleased you agree with me.

    Malcolm: Autralians do this - move to London for a while when they are young. They tend to last up to two winters and then they hot tail bome. I would say sbe is exploring herself and what she wants out of life. She definitely is not ready to come home. I'm mildly confused as to it all but I am not allowing myself to put my on own judgements on her actions. On some level, she knows what she is doing.

  4. Have a great time on your holiday. Keep us updated on your adventures.


  5. Welcome to Britain Vesta. Please enjoy our capital and take home happy memories of our country. Alice

  6. So good to hear what a fabby time you are having :) xx

  7. William, Alice and Shape Shifter: Today is my last day and I have had a wonderful time. Thank you.
