Saturday, April 16, 2011


London is the most wonderfully easy city to visit and I had the pleasure of my daughter's company yesterday as she escorted me around and introduced me to the wonders of Shoreditch. What a vibrant and eclectic area of town!

Astoundingly, we ran into the god daughter of a friend of mine whom I had intended to contact as well as the Italian gay boy who used to live with my daughter. I am delighted to say that I am receiving a healthy number of kisses and cuddles here in London which is some compensation for time without "use" by my husband.

I have had a quick look where David is taking Agnes and I like what I see. Whilst reading his latest offering, something occurred to me and I will share the thought with you.

I have it on good authority that men with dominant personalities like well trained girls. They enjoy the ease, the quiet and the pleasure of it. They find pleasure in the uninterrupted control. A girl who knows her place and enjoys her place is very fine company. It makes sense.

It can appear seamless. The days go by and life goes along swimmingly without friction of any sort. She understands her limits and she is beyond questioning his control and the fitness of things between them.

But, here's the rub. Even the most well trained girl in the world needs a reminder of who (what?) she is and of the sort of man she is involved with. She wants to be good but she also wants to feel it a little more intensely than on a usual day.

She could play up a bit, she could ask for something but even better, she might get lucky and discover that he understands from having observed her so closely that she needs a little tune up; a little dastardly surprise. I liken it to a girl who observes healthy eating patterns but still yearns for a piece of cheesecake every so often.

One of the loveliest qualities of being in this type of relationship is that a girl is well observed and that her needs (as opposed to her wants) are met. Sweet Agnes has been yearning for cheesecake for some time now and thank goodness, Frederick is a keen observer.

Have I wet your appetite?


  1. "Have I wet your appetite?"

    Oh, maybe just a little ;)

  2. shape shifter: Ohhh good. I was revving David up a little here, I confess. He is such a good guy and I think he would love that Agnes was just well behaved all the time. But, I know Agnes better than that...
