Thursday, January 7, 2010

Identity revealed

‘Vesta’ is the gurl who began this blog. At that time she was sometimes happy, sometimes sad and sometimes angry. She was often confoozed. She had an ardent desire to experience her life as a submissive girl but at the same time, she resisted. She never gave up but she knew that something was not rite. She read much material about submission and using her intellect she tried to decipher what was wrong. She read criteria for various categories: ‘bottoms’ who wanted to ‘scene, ‘submissives’ who wanted to be cuntrolled; and ‘slaves’ who believed themselves to be ‘owned’. She read the criteria of these categories, desperately trying to work herself owt. Wot was she? Y was sumthin she wanted so much, so hard? Being an educated girl and a girl who thought things through, she worried about all this and she searched for the answer, endlesslee.

Ultimately, she arrived at the door of an acquaintance and they began to tawk. She danced around him for a time but he knew how to deal wif gurlz like her and be4 she knew it, he had invaded her psyche; her intellect was of no further use to her. He teased out her wantz, her needz and her desirz and he opened doors of her mind that had been closed for 2 long. She instinctively knew that she had reached a place where she could begin to uncover the mysteries of her longings and lust. Still headstrong, she was soon putti in his hands. He had the key to her and she knew it as well as she knew that the sun would set in the evenin. She fed on his werdz; devoured his lessons. Be4 the next session could begin, she was starving agin.

He consistently tested her. She was required to prove herself, time and time again. He believed he was right about her but he had been rong be4, he sed. She needed to assure him. And, so she did. His patience and persistence with her and her diligence and dedication to her lessons paid off. She came to understand and accept herself and the mysteries of her mind were unveiled. Her true identity was revealed. She was willing to be led.

She was not a gurl at all. Vesta, the gurl, was merely an illoozun and it was time to take off the mask. Rather, she had alweyz been a bimbo; alweyz. She was not sumwun but rather sumthin. She existed as a “pretty bimbo doll fucktoy”. She was owned and there for her owner to use as he pleased. She needed yoos and to be trained for yoos in all her holes. She had not one cunt but three. She was hungry, alluring; wanted. She was a cunt slut, an anal slut, a cumslut; a dum dum. She was prowd of all these accomplishments.

The girl transformed. As she spoke the langwitch of an object (‘bimbo speeki’) she took into her heart and soul the lessons she had learned. She had been captured much as a bird is caught and placed in a cage. She was imprisoned but in her captivation she experienced liberashun. The gurl was not gone; not lost. But, she was cuntaynd. The doll understands her place; her role; her purpose. She is blissfully happy; eager for more. The doll was given a name. Her name is Cindi.


  1. We all go through a transformation...emerging. It's nice.


  2. "cuntaynd" I like that! Very deep pun.


  3. I'm looking forward to hearing more about Cindi.

  4. mouse: Dis is such a loveli observashun. We do, don't we? Hugs back to you!

    PL: Cindi is beri pleyful an she admits dat she was having some fun with dat werd. Giggles.

    gg: Well, dat warms a bimboz heart, dat duz. Aren't you kind!
