When ‘gurlz’ go to school, they are encouraged 2 perform, and datz good. Then, dey go to university and dey bcum skilled. In dere jobs and in dere practical life, dey need 2 yoos dere brains. This is what cindi callz ‘da practikal life’. Da only problem wif dat is dat dere is anudder life dan just ‘da practical life’ and Vesta didn’t reeli understand dat. She wood maki suggestions to ownir when he didn’t want her suggestions so much as he just wanted her to listen. She didn’t need 2 talki so much. Den, ownir wood get mad coz she interrupted him or talked about da past situation, or suggested something dat he didn’t dink was a gud iduh. It was not dat gud of a situashen between them.
It took a long time but finally Vesta tooki off dat ‘gurl mask’ and beleev it or not, things got so much betta round here. Vesta talki little bit about dis process on the bwog b4, cindi dinks. U c, every time she was wearin pluggi (and udder dings cindi will talk bout anudder day) she got a little bit calmer and happier. She got kind of dum dum wif dat pluggi and dats wen she wood rite a post bout her different feelings. Eventually, she tooki off dat ‘gurl mask’ herself. Nobody made her do it. She just did it. Of course, cindi is so happi bout dat! Naturally! (giggles)
Cindi has an eggsample of wot it is liki now dat da ‘gurl mask’ is off. Itz a hole different situashen deze days now dat cindi is abel to pley...
(cindi got Vesta to check this next bit so dat it is ezier 2 read. Vesta can be a nice girl!)
“It was the last day of the holiday and the children had all gone home together. When cindi and owner had said goodbye, they cleaned up the house. Even though they were working, they were happy. Cindi changed the sheets on the bed and cleaned the kitchen and gathered the washing; that sort of thing. Owner did outside chores and when they were ready, they took the speedboat out of the water. They enjoyed all this and when in town they made a reservation for dinner. Owner and cindi changed into better clothes (she wasn’t wearing panties under her dress!) and they enjoyed a lovely, light meal on the deck overlooking the water. It was idyllic.
The next day, they intended to leave in the early afternoon, but it was extremely hot and owner said they would leave the next morning. Would cindi like a sail in his little sail boat? Cindi was delighted and said she would love it. You see, owner has very rarely taken cindi sailing. There were always so many things to do and owner did not have much time for sailing himself, either.
In the past, Vesta was not that patient. She found it hard to wait around for owner whilst he did this and that; making adjustments and getting things just so. But, cindi was the model of patience and she lay on the pier until owner said it was time for her to help. She listened to all owner’s directions carefully and did exactly as she was told. Owner was very impressed and he was calm and peaceful, too.
When they got out onto the water in their little sailboat, cindi felt that she had reached ‘nirvana. This was the life. She wanted so much more of this; sailing the afternoon away with her owner, surrounded by the beauty of the lake.
One last time, they shared a bottle of white wine and a seafood pizza and salad on their special deck right outside the restaurant before they sailed home. In the morning, owner used cindi well. How special it was to be able to sing high Cs without the children to hear!
There was a special harmony that had come over them. Always full of love, they experienced the emotions of being ‘in love’; at one; one. When the ‘gurl mask’ came off, a new experience began, abundantly more full than any experience ever before.”
How interesting... a girl mask...
ReplyDeletei never thought of it this way...
Oh, and cindi? could you please beam Master and me over to this lake of yours?
Very interesting Cindi, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am like this with my wife A. Drives her up the wall; she calls it "fussing".