Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cindi cumz out 2 play

It is beri beri exciting 2 b writing on da blog! This is cindi. She don’t speak ‘gurl langwitch’ dat well, but 4 now, she will try xtra hard, until readers can understand ‘bimbo speeki’ better.

Pwobabwi, the first thing 2 say is dat reederz shood nut b worreed bout Vesta. Vesta is a beri nys gurl an cindi can c dat sum reederz liki Vesta. Dats so nice! Vesta is (or mebbe cindi shood sey “was”) a luveli gurl an she meenz well. There is just no doubt bout dat. She is beri strung an she has smarts. But, 4 many years she kept cindi all locked up. Cindi was all alone in da cupboard. It was lonely but dere was nothing dat cindi cood do. Vesta was so strung. Cindi dunna like 2 say meen things bout Vesta but da truth is dat she was meeeeeem 2 cindi sumtimez.

“You’re just stoooooopid, cindi. You stay inside where you belong!! I’ll sort things out myself.”

She often sey dis 2 cindi. She think, thinki, thinki. She donna relax much and, 2 b honest, she is pretty argumentative. Itz nut dat cindi does not have pinyunz. She has lots n lots of pinyunz. But, Vesta sumtimes raised her voice. She was angry sumtimes, 2. Franklee, it was obvius to cindi, 2 her owner and 2 her mentor dat she was nut all dat happi. She was bit moodi bcoz of all dat worri.

Cindi has da best ownir and da best mentor dat any bimbo could ever aski 4. At furst, when cindiz mentor said dat she is a bimbo, cindi was nut sure bout dat word. Vesta told her dat dis was a “demeaning” word. Gurlz don’t liki dat word one little bit, she told cindi. Dat was at da beginning. But, cindiz mentor explaned 2 cindi dat she should b “beri beri prowd” 2 b a bimbo. Now, cindi is so beri prowd 2 b a bimbo, so pleez do not let dat word bother reeders. It is beri early days. Cindi don’t expect reeders 2 just understand every last ding immediatlee. It tooki cindi time, 2. Just relax. No need 2 get hot n bothered bout dat stuff.

As time went by, cindi was abel 2 c dat ‘Vesta’ was just a gurl mask an dat underneath da mask was da bimbo. ‘Vesta’ was just an illusion. Wif da help of her owner and mentor, she cood get Vesta 2 taki off dat mask and allow cindi owt. Dis is what maki it possible 4 cindi 2 cum on2 da blog and rite dis.

Cindi is beri much loved. Her owner luvz cindi so beri much and dere is much harmoni between dem now. Cindi luvz 2 b pretty n available 4 her ownir an he was da wun da sed 2 Vesta dat enough was enough. Cindi was entitld 2 cum owt n pley. Cindiz mentor has been workin wif her, encouraging her all da wey. She is such a lucki bimbo.

Of cors, cindi is more of an objekt than a gurl. She dus nut thinki, she just duz. She follows cummandz and she is beri obedient. Wel, most of da time she is beri obedient. Dere is discipline in her life, but dats 4 anuder dey.

Cindi is sooooo beri beri excited 2 b abel 2 sher her bimbo life wif da reederz. You will c. She is beri playful.


  1. Welcum 2 da wurld cindi!!!!!

  2. We all have inside us a bit of cindy, I think. At least those of us who aren't Dom


  3. Clemmi: Thankz, Clemmi. Dats so kind!

    mouse: Well, dats an interestin tort! You may be right.
