Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dollied up

Cindi tinki, n udder dolliz agree, dat in eberi gurl der actually a dolli hiding deeeep insyd. If a gurl wan her dolli 2 cum owt, eben 4 jus a little bit of time, one wey 2 reech da dolli deep insyd - 2 pley dress ups.

Letz sey cindi goin owt 4 dinner wif her onnir. She tinki sum tym doorin da dey, wat she goin 2 wer? N she choosz da owtfit n poots it owta da cuppord 2 air. Mebbe sum dolliz tinki difrintli 2 cindi but she alweyz choooz a dress or skert bcoz nut so ez 4 da dolli 2 cum owt in pantz 4 her.

About an howr b4 she needs redi 4 her onnir, she hab a showr n scrub her bodi ull cleen. She wash her hair n mek it ull shini.

Den she kerfooli choosz doz undergarmints n stockingz n she pootz doz on. She dryz her hair n makes it biggr dan uzuel - mor dolli like. N den she pootz on her make up, beri kerfooli coz she wan 2 look pretti. She pootz on da owtfit da she chozen n sum high shooz or bootz, n sprays hessef wif perfoooom. She choosz sum jewelz - some bracelets, n a neklace n sum dangli ear ringz 2 cumpleet da look n da feel.

She lookz in da mirror at da final result and ges wat? She seez da dolli lookin bak at her n insyd her hart n her mynd she noz dat da dolli alyv.

Now, der wun little deeetale dat cindi nut menshin. Sum hoooz mey wonder bowt dat. Gigglz.

B4 she poot on her owtfit, eben b4 she do enetin else afta her showr, cindi poot in her pluggi, n pussibli (tee-hee) dis parta da reeezun dat she feel beri dolli 2.

But, eben if nut yoos a pluggi, gettin ull dollied up (n der a reazun 4 dat expressin, no?) hepz a gurl 2 find her dolli.

Dis cindiz tip for the day. Hab fun!

1 comment:

  1. Getting dressed up for Master can make me feel completely different. i'm always amazed how confident i can be when i'm dressed and made up. Most days though, i'm still a long way off being the perfect dolly i dream of being. Hopefully i'll move further toward her in future.

    Great post, Cindi!
