Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Camilla's journey to Ithaca

Camilla lay in his arms on the bed. It never failed to amaze her how such an old man could make love so well; so much better than the college boys she knew. She had asked him what was that special thing he did with her clit to make her cum so hard, but he had refused to tell her, saying that she would only reveal it to other boys and not return to him. She scoffed at the idea but he was firm and remained tight lipped.

They chatted about all sorts of topics. When she said that she was tired of her studies and wanted to get on with her life, he listened quietly, and then said,

“Darling, you are on your journey to Ithaca. No need to rush.”

“Ithaca? What do you mean?”

He looked shocked; even annoyed.

“Don’t tell me you have been educated at one of London’s finest schools and it’s most esteemed university not to know the poem ‘Ithaca’? You have never read ‘The Odyssey?”

She had sat up now and out of his arms. His words stung her. He’d done this once before; implied that she was some sort of imbecile because she didn’t know something he thought she ought to know. She felt completely out of his league; a fraud for even being in his company. She looked away from him so that he could not see the tears welling in her eyes.

“What on earth are they teaching the young people these days? It’s a crime not to know these very basic things!”

She didn’t speak. She was much too upset to speak.

“Camilla, I’ve hurt your feelings...”

“No, not at all. I’m fine.”

“Look at me, darling.”

“I’d rather not.”

“Come now; show the old man your pretty face.”

She turned back towards him and it was evident from the shattered expression in her eyes that he had cut her to the quick. He held her gently in his arms and rocked her a little from side to side and the gentleness of the movement encouraged the tears to spill onto her cheeks. When she had recovered she pulled back from him a little so that he could watch her as she talked.

“You’re right, Daniel. I am ignorant.”

“You’re no such thing. It is not my place to make you feel that way at all and I was wrong to do so. You are a bright girl who learns fast. I’m a thousand years old, darling. We old guys can be full of ourselves.”

“No, really, Daniel, I want to know the things that you know. I am fascinated really at all the things you know and I so wish you would teach me. I love it when you suddenly break out with the lines of a poem or a play. You have so much knowledge. I want to know your mind.”

“Oh sweetheart, you are such a dear, dear girl. Of course I will teach you anything you want to know.”

“Well, what about this journey to Ithaca? Why did you mention that just now?”

“You said that you were impatient to get on with your life and the poem talks of this – of the need not to be impatient on life’s journey. Would you like to read it, darling?”

“Yes, I very much would. May I?”

“Of course, you may. Come with me.”

He took her by the hand and both naked they walked along the hall way and into his library; a room with floor to ceiling bookcases. She watched amazed as within those hundreds and hundreds of books he laid his hands on the book he wanted almost immediately. He opened the book to the desired page and handed it to her.

“Read it, Camilla. Slowly. Carefully. Enjoy it. I shall make us a pot of tea and when I return we shall talk about the poem.”

She watched him leave and wondered what it was he saw in her; a lowly young girl with so much to learn about life while he was esteemed and beloved by the whole university; an icon and a truly gifted man.

She turned her attention to the poem on the page and focussed hard on the beautiful words. More than anything in life she wanted to impress him; for him to be proud and pleased.


  1. Baby Man: My error is exploding exponentially! LOL Every time you leave a comment, it seems the photo is published again. Lucky I chose a rather gorgeous pikki, isn't it?! Giggling...

  2. I love the story. Is there more to come? Please write more stories. I love to read what you write.
    Thank you,


  3. Vesta,

    What a wonderful way to increase your knowledge!


  4. William: I rather like the characters of Camilla and Daniel. Although they came quite suddenly out of my imagination to write this particular scene, I think those two characters have been living in my brain for years. So I will give it a go to make up some more scenes about them. Thank you for the encouragement.

    Serenity: It is, yes. Giggles. I consider her a very lucky girl.

  5. Nice bit of story! I chased up the poem & quite liked it (I'm not familiar w Cavafy at all). I think the Odyssey is over-rated (the Iliad is much better) but obviously has inspired many greats.
