Tuesday, June 10, 2014

There's happiness in the little things

Happiness doesn't have to be complicated. It can, in fact, happen at any moment of the day. It's worth remembering that. Here are a few of my happy moments:

1. Getting everyone off to their day - to work and to school. Coming back to the house and letting the emptiness of the house sink into my being. This house and I have a certain relationship and I like it best in these moments of solitude. I make myself breakfast, enjoy eating my porridge, made just the way I like it, with texture.

2. Listening to an interview on the radio, especially of an author or someone in the literary world.

3. Catching a STUDIO interview on the television.

4. Going to the movies, most particularly, on my own. It seems more decadent that way.

5. A sale of a good designer of women's clothes or boots/shoes. I love good quality items but also love to get them at bargain prices. It's something of a talent of mine.

6. When the people around me are happy, I'm happy. Happiness for me can be as simple as that.

7. Having the time to have a coffee at the market, to read the paper and enjoy that mid-morning on the other side of town. It's less possible right now and I miss it.

8. Sound healing. Only happens once a month but it is the best hour and half of the month. Sheer bliss.

9. When I take the dog for a walk and she actually stays with me, runs with me, doesn't stop a hundred times for silly reasons.

10. Going down to see my Mum for lunch and finding her in good form. She's someone who can find happiness all over the place.

11. When I'm immersed in ideas and the writing flows. When I'm totally in my head.

12. When someone wins money on the radio or on a game show on the tv. I usually end up crying over their happiness. "My husband hurt his back and he's been out of work and it's been really hard..," the last one said, just after she won $10,000.

13. When I manage to find a home for something we don't need any more.

14. When the scales tell me that I've lost a little weight.

15. When I open a bottle of wine and am pleased with it.

16. Making a meal that pleases.

17. Visiting somewhere I haven't been before, or not for some time. It's like a little adventure for me to go to a suburb I haven't been for years and discover it all over again. Or, to find a new laneway in the city, or to pop into the  city Library for a free talk at lunchtime.

18. When everything is in its place.

19. When workmen come to fix/renovate something.

20. When I am objectified; totally.

Just had a thought. I don't need to rush around this morning. I'm going to take my time at the market, pop my reading glasses into my handbag and luxuriate over coffee and the newspaper at the market. The meditation group will go on without my presence today. Hello happiness.


  1. AnonymousJune 10, 2014

    Love this. I have a gratitude journal that I write in for things like this. I never want to forget the little happinesses of life.

  2. Brooke: A gratitude journal is a wonderful idea. I watch SBS World News and am reminded regularly that so many people around the world are facing enormous challenges. I think being aware of the little happinesses in life is a key to living well. There is happiness to be found constantly if we allow ourselves to be aware of those moments.
