Sunday, February 4, 2018

'Forgive them...'

I'm not exactly a history buff. I've done my fair share of history since it was a major in a undergraduate degree, but even then I focused on social history rather than battles and dates.

History repeats itself and no more so than in families where the sins of the father might continue to be felt through the generations. With every action there is a reaction. With every hurt there is a scar that may not entirely heal.

Violence breeds violence, unless there is a conscious determination to end it here, right now. One rejects the patterns of the past. One says, 'it stops here'.

Only those willing to investigate the mind, our own mind and those of other people, can develop the awareness to stop unacceptable behavior. Without awareness, you've got absolutely nothing to work with.

It's no sin to make mistakes. The sin is not exploring that mistake; not committing to strive to do better.

It's my definition of insanity to be so wrapped up with self-importance, with justification of one's own actions, to not explore one's own behavior. How is it possible not to be vaguely interested in what makes one's own mind tick?

How is it not possible to see that unless we make a determination to end one's family's failings with this generation, we create scars for the next?

Of course the mind is very clever. It tricks us into justifying and projecting and denying until we are blue in the face. Anything but admit we are at fault, that mistakes were made.

Utter and complete foolishness. The wise ones stand up and say, 'I did wrong. I knew no better at the time. I will try to do better in the future.'

'Forgive them for they know not what they do.'

Good heavens, Jesus has been dead for a very long time. Time to heed the warning offered so long ago.

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