Sunday, September 25, 2016

The importance of pierced nipples, to me

What I've done in the recent past is give myself too much credit. Knowing myself well, I thought that I was capable, if only I tried hard enough to forego my sexuality, to simply park it, and in this way there would be harmony and equanimity in my life. After all, I'd managed to dig deep and find copious patience and tolerance, to put aside other dreams of mine, so why not consider me the problem, dig deeper, research more about what was wrong with me, and simply alter myself to be more in line with the sexuality of the other.

It turns out altering one's sexuality is not just a matter of putting one's mind to it. My arousal, or not, isn't something that I can fake. I can't simply decide to be a vanilla woman, someone who is not aroused by sado-masochistic stimuli. It's an enigma when one's partner's arousal isn't exactly compatible. Long before I began writing in this online journal I blamed myself for my (non-mainstream) arousal, my secret thoughts and my desires. I was the odd person out here, not him. These past months have been a return to that self-flagellation.

My dismissal of this stance occurred over several key moments in time. I was accused by someone who knows me well of "kink shaming" and I told him that it was an absurd comment and a particularly hurtful thing to say to me. But, over the next few days I began to see that he was right in the sense that I was making kinkiness out to be a major 'problem' and something unnatural. I was naturally kinky. In shaming myself by having kinks I was shaming kink. My argument and thinking was flawed in some fundamental ways.  I had got into my head that I could kick kink much as someone kicks alcohol or caffeine or sugar or drugs; by withdrawal. Let's face it. I had tried that over a couple of decades in my twenties and thirties and managed to do nothing but grow the kink.

To celebrate this new liberated view of myself I took myself to the city and had my nipples pierced, something that has been on my bucket list for a long, long time. I needed a physical manifestation and transformation; a moment by moment reminder of my true nature. I wrote a long post about the experience but decided in the end that I wanted to keep the experience close to my heart. I think it is enough to say that all elements of the experience reconfirmed for me that I am who I am, and my body now signified that in a way that is meaningful to me.

There is a big difference between dominating and being domineering with a woman. I am well aware of the difference and what makes me happy. In embracing my kinkiness I acknowledge my willingness and enjoyment to submit to the domination of my submissive, masochistic and kinky sexual nature at the same time as I recognize that domineering behaviour will always been seen for what that is. A submissive woman still has dreams and plans of her own.

If I ever have a desire to write in a way that has me rejecting a part of me that is so intrinsic to me, I will be very disappointed with myself. I'm too old for this self-flagellation and attempts at sacrifice. Whatever the circumstances of my life, I remain as I am and I've the nipple rings to prove it.


  1. whoo hoo and bravo to you...well done in getting your piercings and loving them and what they represent to you....i am trying to gear myself up for a vertical clitoral piercing, having been able to bring myself to do it yet...funny how one loves pain but yet
    cant bring herself to have the piercing done incase it hurts too much....laughs...hopefully soon though...

  2. blossom: Thank you. I am so happy with them. I didn't write it in the post but the thought that came to mind as I was writing was that it was not unlike the time my piano teacher insisted that I perform a solo at a concert. I'm not a natural performer, shy away from the limelight, and on the day I had to go into a 'you can do this if you just stay in this little protective bubble I've created here for you that will drive you forward' mode. It was the same on the day of the piercings. Once I'd committed to it, then wild horses could not have stopped me from completing the mission. How people can say 'it didn't hurt much' with a straight face amazes me. It does hurt. But, it is just a few seconds and then,for me, an hour and a half of feeling that tight nipple clamps were attached to my nipples. And then, satisfaction and happiness. Well worth it!! And, the sense of thrill on my husband's face was priceless.

  3. hahaha wanted to ask you that...about how your husband took the good news...oh am sure it was a on you for taking that I need to do the same thing too...smiles

  4. blossom: You'll know when it is the right time. It may interest you to know that I shared with the girl that I was a little nervous - excited, but nervous. She told me that even people who have had multiple piercings still get nervous every time, so in a sense I got a sense of solidarity out of that. It's okay to be nervous. It's normal.

  5. oh that is good to hear...yes it will happen when I feel confident to go through with it....will let you know when it happens...smiles
